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Fabio Bonacina
Briefmarken aus aller Welt
bezeugen die Reisen von Papst Wojtyla

408 Seiten - 836 Farbillustrationen von Briefmarken und Blöcke - 40 Photographien mit Highlights im Leben und im Reisen des Papstes - Format 13,5 x 21,5 cm - Qualitativ hochwertiges Glanzpapier - Fester Farbeinband - Druck 2006
Reihe "Geschichte dokumentiert durch Unterlagen"

Mit dem freundlichen Zugeständnis sind die Nummerierungen der Michel-, Scott-, Unificato-, Yvert & Tellier-Kataloge angegeben
Es sind keine Wertschätzungen angegeben

3 edizioni - 3 editions - 3 Ausgaben


ISBN: 88-85335-85-3
Unzählige Briefmarken wurden zu Ehren von Papst Johannes Paul II. herausgegeben. Dieser Band beschreibt und gibt die Briefmarken und Blöcke, die anlässlich der 104 Auslandsreisen des Papstes herausgegeben wurden, in Farbe wieder; amtliche Briefmarken und Blöcke, die von den Gastländern und dem Vatikan zur Zelebrierung des Besuchs bzw. von Themen (geschichtliche, politische, religiöse, soziale…), die im Zusammenhang mit dem Papstbesuch stehen, herausgegeben wurden. Diese Studie umfasst ferner Ausgaben, die nicht direkt den Aufenthalt betreffen, sondern sich auf Tatsachen oder Feiern beziehen, an denen der Papst während seines Aufenthalts teilgenommen hat, bzw. die er in Erinnerung gerufen hat.

Jeder Reise ist ein Kapitel mit Angabe der Gastländer, in denen sich der Papst aufgehalten hat, einer Beschreibung des Besuchs und der angesprochenen Themen, eine zusammenfassende Chronik der sozialen und politischen Situation, eine Darstellung der Briefmarken zu der Reise mit Beschreibung der Ausgabe.

47 einleitende Seiten illustrieren mittels der unzähligen ihm gewidmeten Briefmarken die Highlights im Leben von Papst Johannes Paul II. (anlässlich des Heiligen Jahres, des 25. Jahrestags seines Pontifikats, Briefmarken zu seinem Geburtstag und die anlässlich seines Todes, die Sedisvakanz, italienische Briefmarken und die des Vatikans, Ausstellungen und vieles mehr).

* PIER PAOLO FRANCINI - Vorsitzender des Philatelischen und Numismatischen Büros und Konservator des Philatelischen und Numismatischen Museums Gouvernement - Vatikanstadt
* DIETMAR FIEDLER - Präsident Weltbund "St. Gabriel"
* DANILO BOGONI - Vorsitzender der italienischen Vereinigung für religiösen Briefmarken "St. Gabriel"


* PIER PAOLO FRANCINI, Zuerst die Chronik, dann die Kunst
* DANILO BOGONI, Auch von den Briefmarken, "Fürchtet euch nicht!"
* Entscheidungen des Verlegers
* Leitfaden zum Gebrauch

* Der Pilgerpapst
* Zwischen Zeichnungen und Fotos
* Eine Ikone für viele Anlässe
* Auch an die Philatelisten wurde gedacht
* Der Papst ist hier zu uns gekommen
* Plakat in Miniatur
* Berücksichtigung der lokalen Umstände
* Ohne die Liebhaber und Sammler aus den Augen zu verlieren
* Zweitausend Jahre Christentum
* Die Feier des 25-jährigen Jubiläums
* Briefmarken zum Geburtstag
* Die unmittelbare Verarbeitung der Trauer
* Die Trauer nimmt keine Ende
* Die Tradition der "Sedisvakanz"
* Der Fall Italien
* Das schöne Land Italien aus dem Blickwinkel des Vatikans
* Anmerkungen

* Die erste Überseereise - 1 Dominikanische Republik I, Mexiko I und Bahamas
* Der erste Blick in Richtung Osten - 2 Polen I
*"Friedenspilgerfahrt" - 3 Irland, Vereinte Nationen I und Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika I
* Die nachgemachte Begegnung mit Dimitrios I. - 4 Türkei
* In Afrika, "wo Hunger tödlich ist" - 5 Zaire I, Kongo, Kenia I, Ghana, Obervolta (Burkina Faso I) und Elfenbeinküste I
* Schatten und Lichter auf der Kirche - 6 Frankreich I
* Die Katholiken, Immigration und Armut - 7 Brasilien I
* Doppelte Ehrerbietung des Hl. Albertus Magnus - 8 Deutschland I
* Viele verschiedene Welten - 9 Pakistan, Philippinen I, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika II und Japan
* Liebe, Respekt, Achtung. Und nicht nur das - 10 Nigeria I, Benin I, Gabun und Äquatorialguinea
* In Fatima, ein Jahr nach dem Attentat - 11 Portugal I
* Ausbruck des Falkland-Malvinen-Kriegs - 12 Vereinigtes Königreich
* Auch gezähnt die Offensive von Buenos Aires - 13 Brasilien II und Argentinien I
* Ehrung der Arbeit - 14 Schweiz I
* Alle hören ihm zu - 15 San Marino
* Aus der Vergangenheit die Inquisition, aus der Zukunft Europa - 16 Spanien I
* Aus Nicaragua ein... militanter Satz - 17 Portugal II, Costa Rica, Nicaragua I, Panama, El Salvador I, Guatemala I, Honduras, Belize und Haiti
* Jaruzelski und die Einforderung des Friedens - 18 Polen II
* Umarmung der Verfolgten aus Lourdes - 19 Frankreich II
* Die Osmanen und Europa - 20 Österreich I
* Die Tatkraft einer Kirche, die zur Erneuerung strebt - 21 Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika III, Südkorea I, Papua-Neuguinea I, Salomon-Inseln und Thailand
* Die Suche nach universeller Einheit - 22 Schweiz II
* Auf den Spuren Jacques Cartiers - 23 Kanada I
* Das Abenteuer des Christoph Kolumbus - 24 Spanien II, Dominikanische Republik II und Puerto Rico
* Solidarität und Dialog - 25 Venezuela I, Ecuador, Peru I, Trinidad und Tobago
* Es besteht ein "großes Bedürfnis nach Einheit" - 26 Niederlande, Luxemburg und Belgien I
* Blühende Kirchen, aber auch Solidarität und Würde - 27 Togo, Elfenbeinküste II, Kamerun I, Zentralafrikanische Republik, Zaire II, Kenia II und Marokko
* Eine wichtige Station für Sammler - 28 Schweiz III und Liechtenstein
* Warum diese Reise? - 29 Indien I
* Guerrilla und Drogen - 30 Kolumbien und Saint Lucia
* Wenigstens für einen Tag sollen die Waffen ruhen - 31 Frankreich III
* Die Wahrheit suchen, dennoch unterscheiden - 32 Bangladesch, Singapur, Fidschi, Neuseeland, Australien I und Seychellen
* Hinter dem diplomatischen Streit - 33 Uruguay I, Chile und Argentinien II
* Die Vergangenheit nicht vergessen - 34 Deutschland II
* Der Schatten des Präsidenten - 35 Polen III
*"Gott segne Amerika" - 36 Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika IV und Kanada II
* Die erste Bilanz - 37 Uruguay II, Bolivien, Peru II und Paraguay
* Rede in Mauthausen - 38 Österreich II
* Verurteilung der Apartheid, trotz unvorhergesehener Umstände - 39 Simbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho, Swasiland und Mosambik
* Von Straßburg nach Europa - 40 Frankreich IV
* Der Akzent auf der ehelichen Treue - 41 Madagaskar, Réunion, Sambia und Malawi
* In lutheranischen Landen - 42 Norwegen, Island, Finnland, Dänemark und Schweden
* Mit der Jugend ins neue Jahrtausend - 43 Spanien III
* UdSSR, Nordkorea, Volksrepublik China, Timor - 44 Südkorea II, Indonesien und Mauritius
* Aus Sahel eine Herausforderung an die Solidarität - 45 Kap Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Burkina Faso II und Tschad
* Die wieder gewonnene Freiheit - 46 Tschechoslowakei I
* Das Eis ist gebrochen - 47 Mexiko II und die Niederländische Antillen
* Treffen für den Frieden - 48 Malta I
* Die Leiden in Afrika und die Niederlage der Entwicklungsbemühungen - 49 Malta II, Tansania, Burundi, Ruanda und Elfenbeinküste III
* Rückkehr nach Fatima, mit anderer Absicht - 50 Portugal III
* Die Sorge um die Zukunft - 51 Polen IV
* Der Papst und die Jugend - 52 Polen IV und Ungarn I
* Demokratie, die Favelas und die Kinder - 53 Brasilien III
* 13 Millionen Sklaven - 54 Senegal, Gambia und Guinea
* Fünfhundert Jahre Evangelisierung - 55 Angola, St. Tome und Principe
* Auf den Spuren des Seefahrers - 56 Dominikanische Republik III
* Die schwierigste Etappe - 57 Benin II, Uganda und Sudan
* Das Land der Adler und der Flüchtlinge - 58 Albanien
* Wie im Jahr 1982, noch mehr als 1982 - 59 Spanien IV
* Die Jugend in den USA - 60 Jamaika, Mexiko III und Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika V
* Fast wie eine Rückkehr nach Hause - 61 Litauen, Lettland und Estland
* In Zagreb in Gedanken an Sarajevo - 62 Kroatien I
* Die Jugendlichen und die Gläubigen des Orients - 63 Philippinen II, Papua-Neuguinea II, Australien II und Sri Lanka
*"Ich bitte die Nichtkatholiken um Vergebung" - 64 Tschechische Republik II und Polen V
* Schluss mit den Kriegen! - 65 Belgien II
* Verurteilung des Nationalismus - 66 Slowakei II
* Die Apartheid in Südafrika gehört nunmehr der Vergangenheit an - 67 Kamerun II, Südafrika und Kenia III
* 50 Jahre nach Gründung der UNO - 68 Vereinte Nationen II und Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika VI
* Frieden, Krieg und die Straße der Demokratie - 69 Guatemala II, Nicaragua II, El Salvador II und Venezuela II
* Das Tor zum Islam - 70 Tunesien
* Im unabhängigen Land - 71 Slowenien I
* Im wieder eins gewordenen Deutschland - 72 Deutschland III
* Das Fest zum tausendjährigen Bestehen des Klosters - 73 Ungarn II
* Nur ein Pastoralbesuch - 74 Frankreich V
* Endlich in Sarajevo - 75 Bosnien und Herzegowina I
* Die Aktualität des Hl. Adalbert - 76 Tschechische Republik III
* Nein zu Einmischungen von außen - 77 Libanon
* Zehn anstrengende Tage - 78 Polen VI
* Die Jugend, aber auch die Hugenotten - 79 Frankreich VI
* Protagonisten: die Familie und die Leidenden - 80 Brasilien IV
* Zusammen mit 2.700 ausländischen Journalisten - 81 Kuba
* Der Trappistenmönch und die Menschenrechte - 82 Nigeria II
* Europa sein christliches Antlitz zurückgeben - 83 Österreich III
* Polemiken bezüglich der Seligsprechung von Stepinac - 84 Kroatien II
* Der Todeskultur widerstehen - 85 Mexiko IV und Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika VII
* In Bukarest mit orthodoxen Christen - 86 Rumänien
* Von Danzig nach Tschenstochau. Und dann das Jahr 2000 - 87 Polen VII
* Rückkehr in das unabhängige Slowenien - 88 Slowenien II
* Schwierigkeiten auf der Asienreise - 89 Indien II und Georgien
* Auf den Spuren Abrahams - 90 Ägypten
* Endlich, das Heilige Land! - 91 Jordanien, Palästinensische Autonomiegebiete und Israel
* Fatima und das "Dritte Geheimnis" - 92 Portugal IV
* Auf den Spuren des Hl. Paulus - 93 Griechenland, Syrien und Malta III
* Ein lang erwarteter Besuch - 94 Ukraine
* Nach dem 11. September eine Wahl zwischen Gut und Böse - 95 Kasachstan und Armenien
* Zwischen Gegenwart und Vergangenheit - 96 Aserbaidschan und Bulgarien
* Symbolen und Wagnissen - 97 Kanada III, Guatemala III und Mexiko V
* Unterschiedliche Bewertungen - 98 Polen VIII
*"Friede sei mir dir, Spanien!" - 99 Spanien V
* Unterschiedliche Facetten - 100 Kroatien III
* Ivan Merz und der Krieg - 101 Bosnien und Herzegowina II
* Der Papst ist müde - 102 Slowakei III
*"Auch ich war einmal 20 Jahre alt" - 103 Schweiz IV
* Krank unter Kranken - 104 Frankreich VII

* Auf Reisen mit… Briefumschlägen

* Bibliographie
* Der Autor
* Alphabetisches Länderverzeichnis

Anmerkung: Die römischen Ziffern geben gemäß der offiziellen Liste an, wie oft der Papst in das spezifische Land zurückgekehrt ist.
Dieses Werk befasst sich mit den 104 Auslandsreisen, die der Stellvertreter Christi während seines langen Pontifikats gemäß den Kriterien des Heiligen Stuhls auf sich genommen hat.
Jeder Reise ist in chronologischer Reihenfolge ein Kapitel gewidmet, das die anlässlich dieses Ereignisses erschienen Briefmarken detailliert und, wenn möglich, der Reiseroute des Papstes folgend vorstellt. Es werden sowohl die Ausgaben wiedergegeben und beschrieben, die von den Gastländern herausgegeben wurden, als auch am Ende des jeweiligen Kapitels die des Vatikans, die anlässlich der gleichen Reise erschienen sind.
Die Untersuchung bezüglich der in den Gastländern erschienen Briefmarken betrifft den Zeitraum unmittelbar vor und nach dem Besuch bis etwa ein Jahr nach dem Ereignis: Verschiedene Länder bevorzugen es eher, den Besuch im Nachhinein zu würdigen, als diesen im Vorhinein anzukündigen. In einigen Fällen wird der Besuch sowohl vor als auch nach dem Besuch geehrt.
Der Vatikan verfolgt jedoch eine andere Tradition, die sich im Übrigen stets bewährt hat: er wartet eine gewisse Zeit - im Allgemeinen ein bis zwei Jahre - und bringt dann einen Gedenksatz heraus, in dem jeder Reise normalerweise eine Briefmarke gewidmet ist. Die 1999 unternommenen fünf Reisen (Mexiko, Vereinigte Staaten, Rumänien, Polen, Slowenien, Indien und Georgien) wurden z.B. am 1. September 200 mit Stücken gleicher Zahl zelebriert. In einigen Fällen werden, wie am 3. Dezember 1981, allgemeinere Themen hinzugefügt: neben den im Vorjahr unternommenen Stationen ist das päpstliche Wappen (50-Lire-Briefmarke) oder Seine Heiligkeit bei der Erteilung des Segens (900-Lire-Briefmarke) abgebildet.
Zum Zwecke der Einrahmung des historisch bedeutenden Moments und der Angabe einiger weiterführender Details zur Bewertung der Reise und der Umstände, unter denen diese stattfand, wird ferner ein zusammenfassender Besuchsbericht entsprechend den Äußerungen von Journalisten, bzw. nachfolgend von Experten, wiedergegeben.

Der Wunsch bei der Erstellung dieser Sammlung war der, einen Schritt weiter zu gehen. Verschiedene Aufenthalte waren durch ein Thema, bzw. mehrere Themen von herausragender Bedeutung gekennzeichnet, deren mittels der Herausgabe von Briefmarken um den Zeitraum des Papstbesuches gedacht wurde.
Historische Jahrestage, Ereignisse und religiöse Feierlichkeiten scheinen gerne hervorgehoben zu werden: Sie stehen nicht in unmittelbarem Zusammenhang mit dem Papstbesuch - auch wenn sie den Papst selber betreffen - können aber zum besseren Verständnis des Kontextes beitragen.
Der ersten Etappe in Argentinien vom 10. bis zum 13. Juni 1982 liegt ein Hauptgedanke zu Grunde: der Vermittlungsversuch zwischen Buenos Aires und London, die durch den blutigen Falkland-Malwinen-Konflikt geteilt waren. Der südamerikanische Staat unterstreicht selbstverständlicherweise den Besuch der Bischofs von Rom am 12. Juni. Zum besseren Verständnis dienen jedoch auch die Ausgaben, wie die vom 22. April, auf denen die Inseln als argentinisch angegeben sind.
Ein weiteres Beispiel: Zwischen dem 6. und dem 16. Oktober besucht der Pilger in genannter Reihenfolge Südkorea, Indonesien und Mauritius. Seoul gedenkt dieses Besuches nicht mit spezifischen Briefmarken. Doch genau am 4. Oktober gedenkt Korea des 44. Internationalen Eucharistischen Kongress, der von der asiatischen Hauptstadt organisiert wurde und an der der Papst teilnahm, mit einer 80-Won-Briefmarke.

Der Band trägt allen von den jeweiligen Ländern herausgegebenen amtlichen Briefmarken und Blöcken Rechnung.
Zum Zwecke der Vereinfachung der Briefmarkensuche seitens der Sammler, ist für jede Briefmarke in alphabetischer Reihenfolge die entsprechende Nummerierung der Michel-, Scott-, Unificato- und Yvert & Tellier-Kataloge, die uns freundlicherweise dazu ermächtigt haben, angegeben.
Ferner sie an dieser Stelle gesagt, dass keine Wertschätzungen der beschriebenen und/oder abgedruckten Stücke angegeben ist; hier ist Bezug auf genannte Kataloge zu nehmen.
Der Autor

Der Journalist Fabio Bonacina beschäftigt sich in erster Linie mit öffentlicher Kommunikation, schreibt jedoch auch über Briefmarken und Post.
Seine Artikel wurden unter anderem von den Zeitschriften "Cronaca filatelica", "L'arte del francobollo", "Vaccari magazine", "Esperienza", "Giornale di Brescia" und "Italia oggi" veröffentlicht.
Er ist President der Unione Stampa Filatelica Italiana seit 2014, und Chefredakteur der Philatelie- und Postinformationsseite "Vaccari news" ( seit 2003.
Für diesen Verlag hat er die Bücher "Propaganda con i denti - Il francobollo come mezzo di comunicazione nelle relazioni internazionali, il secondo dopoguerra", "La salma nascosta - Mussolini a Cerro Maggiore dopo piazzale Loreto (1946-1957)", "Johannes Paul II. Reisen der Hoffnung. Briefmarken aus aller Welt bezeugen die Reisen von Papst Wojtyla", "Campioni del mondo - I francobolli dei Paesi organizzatori e vincitori dei Mondiali di calcio 1930-2006", "Buon Natale! Il libro-album per la raccolta dei francobolli italiani sul Natale 1970-2010", "Habemus Papam. Tutti i Papi da Francesco a Pio XII. Il libro-album dei francobolli italiani", "Campioni del mondo 2 - I francobolli dei Paesi organizzatori e vincitori dei Mondiali di calcio 2010-2014" verfasst.
Mainz, 2-4 novembre 2012

Palazzo dei Congressi Roma EUR
12-14 ottobre 2007

Pretoria, South Africa
23-25 ottobre 2008

2-5 ottobre 2008

Bucharest, Romania
20-28 giugno 2008

SILVER - HUNFILA 2007 - International Stamp Exhibition
26-30 settembre 2007

Portland, Oregon, USA
9-12 agosto 2007

General World Stamp Exhibition
St. Petersburg, 19-25 giugno 2007

1-3 giugno 2007
CAORLE (VE), Italy

17-19 novembre 2006
(Chicago, USA)

Luoyang City, Henan Province, P.R. China
10-16 aprile 2009

30 giugno 2007
(Palmerston North, New Zealand)

Essen, Germany
6-10 maggio 2009

18-21 settembre 2008

Exposición Mundial de Filatelia
Málaga 7-13 ottobre 2006

24th International Stamp Fair
27-29 ottobre 2006

- Philatelic Bibliopole, Leonard Hartmann (USA)
- Vera Trinder, London (UK)

- Abafil (Milano)
- Ercole Gloria (Milano)
- Marini (Genova)
- Ungaro (Trentino - Veneto - Friuli)
- Riva Reno (Bologna)
- Sintoni (Forlì)
- Geoprogram (Roma)
- Interfinum (Roma)
- Philcap (Roma)


- Casalini Libri
- Demea (Roma, Lazio, Abruzzo)
- LS (Italia)

Fabio Bonacina
I francobolli dei Paesi organizzatori e vincitori
dei Mondiali di calcio

232 pp. - more than 400 colour illustrations of postage stamps and souvenir sheets - 34 photographs of footballers and game actions from the Museum of Football in Coverciano - format cm 13.5x21.5 - high quality glossy paper - hardbound in colour - printed 2006
series "History through documents"
Italian text

With kind permission, the numberings in Michel, Scott, Unificato, and Yvert & Tellier catalogues are given


ISBN: 88-85335-87-X
The stamps issued by the organizing and winner countries of football world championships

With the cooperation of Pierangelo Brivio

Preface by Maurizio Tecardi, past President of the Italian Union for Collectors of Olympic Games and Sport

Introductory essay by Danilo Bogoni

Half a century of development, names and results recorded by specialized philately written by Nino Barberis, international thematic judge

Interview to the collector Pierangelo Brivio

Devoted to Football World Championships, the volume lists, describes and reproduces the stamps issued by the countries which organized the event and by those which won it, including the issues by colonial territories and the items connected to the happening.
The work covers the history of Championships, from the first edition of 1930 to 2006, but there is something more: South Africa, as the host country of the event in 2010, started its promotional campaign through the postal system in 2006.
Completely in colours, the book follows the same layout and general organization as the volume "John Paul II - Visits of Hope". There are some opening pages and then one chapter for each Championship, with information and details on the event, and the reproduction and description of the stamps and souvenir sheets issued.
For every Championship, a peculiar aspect has been added in order to underline historical-political facts (the division between the Arab world and Israel), promotional choices (the French "Merci les bleus!") or technical aspects (the packets of Swedish stamps or British varieties), thus exploiting all the possibilities for deep and broad studies offered by philately.

The needs of football fans who are interested in more specific details for each happening have been considered: a journalistic presentation of main football facts, a series of data (teams, scores, winner team players), help in widening the picture obtained through postal issues.
The stamps have been reproduced full size (only some souvenir sheets have been reduced). To help collectors in their research, the numbering of the most important international catalogues have been included; (in alphabetical order) Michel, Scott, Unificato and Yvert & Tellier. There are no valuations.
Fabio Bonacina, a journalist, mainly works in public communication, but he also writes about stamps and the post. The newspapers and magazines that have published his articles include "Cronaca filatelica", "L'arte del francobollo", "Vaccari magazine", "Esperienza", "Giornale di Brescia", and "Italia oggi". He is President of the Italian Philatelic Press Union since 2014, and editor of the daily web magazine of philately and postal information "Vaccari news" ( since 2003.
He has been awarded the prize by Usfi (Italian Philatelic Press Union) in 2010, he has obtained the award for journalism by the Town of Riccione in 2006, and the oscar for philately by Circolo filatelico numismatico reggiano in 2002.
For this publisher he has written the books "Propaganda con i denti - Il francobollo come mezzo di comunicazione nelle relazioni internazionali, il secondo dopoguerra"; "La salma nascosta - Mussolini a Cerro Maggiore dopo piazzale Loreto (1946-1957)", published in two editions; "Giovanni Paolo II - Viaggi di speranza - I francobolli del mondo testimoniano le visite di Papa Wojtyla", translated into English and German (English edition "John Paul II - Visits of hope - World stamps witness the travels of Pope Wojtyla"); "Campioni del mondo - I francobolli dei Paesi organizzatori e vincitori dei Mondiali di calcio 1930-2006"; "Buon Natale! Il libro-album per la raccolta dei francobolli italiani sul Natale 1970-2010"; "Habemus Papam. Tutti i Papi da Francesco a Pio XII. Il libro-album dei francobolli italiani"; "Campioni del mondo 2 - I francobolli dei Paesi organizzatori e vincitori dei Mondiali di calcio 2010-2014".
Patras (Greece)
6-14 novembre 2010

Palazzo dei Congressi Roma EUR
12-14 ottobre 2007

Pretoria, South Africa
23-25 ottobre 2008

CAORLE (VE), Italy
1-3 giugno 2007

Johannesburg, South Africa
27-31 ottobre 2010

18-21 settembre 2008

Portland, Oregon, USA
9-12 agosto 2007
Fabio Bonacina
World stamps witness
the travels of Pope Wojtyla

408 pp. - 836 colour illustrations of postage stamps and souvenir sheets - 40 pictures with the key moments of the Pope's life and travels - format cm 13.5 x 21.5 - high quality glossy paper - hardbound in colour - printed 2006
series "History through documents"

With kind permission, the numberings in Michel, Scott, Unificato, and Yvert & Tellier catalogues are given
Valuations not included

3 edizioni - 3 editions - 3 Ausgaben


ISBN: 88-85335-84-5
Many stamps have been dedicated to John Paul II.
This book describes and reproduces in colour the stamps and souvenir sheets connected with the 104 travels completed by the Pope outside Italy - official stamps and souvenir sheets issued by both the countries visited and the Vatican City to commemorate the visit or the themes (historical, political, religious, social…) connected with the visit of the Pontiff.

This study also includes the issues that do not directly concern the stay, but which refer to events or celebrations that the Pontiff recalled or participated in during his stay.

There is a chapter for each journey with the description of the visit and the themes dealt with, a brief account of the social and political situation, reproduction of the stamps connected with the journey.

47 opening pages illustrate the key moments in the life of Pope Wojtyla through the many stamps that were dedicated to him (for the Holy Year, the 25th year of Papacy, stamps for his birthdays and for his death, the vacant Papal See, Italian stamps and Vatican stamps, exhibitions and much more).

Forewords by
* PIER PAOLO FRANCINI - Head of the Philatelic and Numismatic Office and Curator of the Philatelic and Numismatic Museum Governorship - The Vatican
* DIETMAR FIEDLER - President of the "St. Gabriel" World Union
* DANILO BOGONI - President of the Italian Association for Religious Philately "St. Gabriel"


* PIER PAOLO FRANCINI, News before art
* DANILO BOGONI, "Don't be afraid!" cry the stamps too
* Publisher's choices
* User's guide

* The Pilgrim Pope
* Drawings and photographs
* One icon for a variety of occasions
* With the philatelist in mind
* The Pope has come to visit us
* Miniature manifesto
* Focus on local circumstances
* Without forgetting the enthusiasts
* Two thousand years of Christianity
* 25th anniversary celebrations
* Birthday stamps
* The immediate elaboration of the mourning
* The mourning continues
* The tradition of the "Vacant See"
* The Italian case
* Italy as seen by the Vatican
* Notes

* The first trip: overseas - 1 The Dominican Republic I, Mexico I and the Bahamas
* The first glance towards East - 2 Poland I
* "Pilgrimage for Peace" - 3 Ireland, the United Nations I and the United States of America I
* The meeting with Dimitrios I… repeated - 4 Turkey
* In Africa, "where hunger is lethal" - 5 Zaire I, the Congo Republic, Kenya I, Ghana, Haute-Volta (Burkina Faso I) and the Ivory Coast I
* Shadows and lights on the Church - 6 France I
* Catholics, immigration, and poverty - 7 Brazil I
* The double homage to Saint Albertus Magnus - 8 Germany I
* Many different worlds - 9 Pakistan, the Philippines I, the United States of America II and Japan
* Love, respect, esteem. And more - 10 Nigeria I, Benin I, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea
* In Fatima, a year after the attempt on his life - 11 Portugal I
* The Falklands-Malvinas war breaks out - 12 The United Kingdom
* Buenos Aires makes stamps warfare too - 13 Brazil II and Argentina I
* A homage to work - 14 Switzerland I
* All were there listening to him - 15 San Marino
* From the past Inquisition, from the future Europe - 16 Spain I
* From Nicaragua a …military set - 17 Portugal II, Costa Rica, Nicaragua I, Panama, El Salvador I, Guatemala I, Honduras, Belize and Haiti
* Jaruzelski and the appeal for peace - 18 Poland II
* From Lourdes an embrace to those suffering persecution - 19 France II
* The Ottomans and Europe - 20 Austria I
* The vitality of the Church wishing to renew itself - 21 The United States of America III, South Korea I, Papua New Guinea I, the Salomon Islands and Thailand
* The quest for unity at international level - 22 Switzerland II
* In the steps of Jacques Cartier - 23 Canada I
* The adventure of Christopher Columbus - 24 Spain II, the Dominican Republic II and Puerto Rico
* Solidarity and dialogue - 25 Venezuela I, Ecuador, Peru I, Trinidad and Tobago
* There's "a great need for unity" - 26 The Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium I
* Flourishing churches, solidarity and dignity - 27 Togo, the Ivory Coast II, Cameroon I, the Central African Republic, Zaire II, Kenya II and Morocco
* An important stop for collectors - 28 Switzerland III and Liechtenstein
* Why this trip? - 29 India I
* Guerrilla warfare and drugs - 30 Colombia and Saint Lucia
* At least for one day, let arms be laid down - 31 France III
* Seek the truth, even among differences - 32 Bangladesh, Singapore, the Fiji islands, New Zealand, Australia I and the Seychelles
* Behind the scenes of the diplomatic controversy - 33 Uruguay I, Chile and Argentina II
* Do not forget the past - 34 Germany II
* The shadow of the president - 35 Poland III
* "May God bless America" - 36 The United States of America IV and Canada II
* The initial outcome - 37 Uruguay II, Bolivia, Peru II and Paraguay
* Speech in Mauthausen - 38 Austria II
* The condemnation of Apartheid, despite the unexpected event - 39 Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and Mozambique
* From Strasbourg to Europe - 40 France IV
* Focus on marital loyalty - 41 Madagascar, Réunion Island, Zambia and Malawi
* In the land of Luther - 42 Norway, Iceland, Finland, Denmark and Sweden
* With youths at the millennium end - 43 Spain III
* USSR, North Korea, China, Timor - 44 South Korea II, Indonesia and Mauritius
* A challenge for solidarity from Sahel - 45 Cape Verde, Bissau Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso II and Chad
* Freedom rediscovered - 46 Czechoslovakia I
* The ice has melted - 47 Mexico II and the Dutch Antilles
* Peace talks - 48 Malta I
* The ills of Africa, progress defeated - 49 Malta II, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda and the Ivory Coast III
* Back to Fatima, with a different perspective - 50 Portugal III
* Concern for the future - 51 Poland IV
* The Pope and youth - 52 Poland IV and Hungary I
* Democracy, the favelas and children - 53 Brazil III
* Thirteen million slaves - 54 Senegal, Gambia and Guinea
* Half a millennium of Evangelisation - 55 Angola, São Tomé and Príncipe
* Following the tracks of Christopher Columbus - 56 The Dominican Republic III
* The most difficult leg of the journey - 57 Benin II, Uganda and Sudan
* The Country of the eagles and of escape - 58 Albania
* As in 1982, more than in 1982 - 59 Spain IV
* The youth of the US - 60 Jamaica, Mexico III and the United States of America V
* A kind of home-coming - 61 Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia
* In Zagabria, thinking of Sarajevo - 62 Croatia I
* The youth and devout from the East - 63 The Philippines II, Papua New Guinea II, Australia II and Sri Lanka
* "I beg for the forgiveness of Non Catholics" - 64 The Czech Republic II and Poland V
* Stop wars! - 65 Belgium II
* Condemnation of nationalism - 66 Slovakia II
* South African apartheid is behind us - 67 Cameroon II, South Africa and Kenya III
* The UN fifty years on - 68 The United Nations II and the United States of America VI
* Peace, war and the road to democracy - 69 Guatemala II, Nicaragua II, El Salvador II and Venezuela II
* The door to Islam - 70 Tunisia
* In the independent Country - 71 Slovenia I
* To Germany, reunited - 72 Germany III
* Celebrations for the millenarian monastery - 73 Hungary II
* A purely Pastoral visit - 74 France V
* Finally in Sarajevo - 75 Bosnia and Herzegovina I
* The relevance of Saint Adalbert today - 76 The Czech Republic III
* No to external interference - 77 Lebanon
* Ten busy days - 78 Poland VI
* The young, and the Huguenots too - 79 France VI
* The family and the suffering as protagonists - 80 Brazil IV
* Together with 2,700 foreign journalists - 81 Cuba
* The Trappist Monk and human rights - 82 Nigeria II
* Giving a Christian face back to Europe - 83 Austria III
* The controversy concerning the Beatification of Stepinac - 84 Croatia II
* Resisting the culture of death - 85 Mexico IV and the United States of America VII
* In Bucharest with the Orthodox - 86 Rumania
* From Danzig to Czestochowa. Then 2000 - 87 Poland VII
* Return to independent Slovenia - 88 Slovenia II
* The difficulties of the Asiatic journey - 89 India II and Georgia
* In the footsteps of Abraham - 90 Egypt
* In the Holy Land at last! - 91 Jordan, the Independent Palestinian Areas and Israel
* Fatima and the "Third Secret" - 92 Portugal IV
* Saint Paul's route - 93 Greece, Syria and Malta III
* A much awaited visit - 94 Ukraine
* After 11th September a choice between good and evil - 95 Kazakhstan and Armenia
* Between present and past - 96 Azerbaijan and Bulgaria
* Symbols and risks - 97 Canada III, Guatemala III and Mexico V
* Different assessments - 98 Poland VIII
* "Let peace be with you, Spain!" - 99 Spain V
* The various sides - 100 Croatia III
* Ivan Merz and the war - 101 Bosnia and Herzegovina II
* A tired Pope - 102 Slovakia III
* "I too was twenty once" - 103 Switzerland IV
* Sick among the sick - 104 France VII

* Travelling with... covers

* Bibliography
* The author
* Alphabetical list of the Countries

N.B.: the roman numerals indicate, according to the official list, the number of times the Pontiff returned to the Country specified
This work considers the 104 journeys that the Vicar of Christ undertook outside Italy throughout his Papacy, following the criteria put in place by the Holy See.
A chapter is dedicated to each journey in chronological order, presenting details of the postal issues distributed for the occasion, and ideally retracing the itinerary followed by the Pontiff. Both the issues produced by the countries that hosted the Pope over time and, at the end of each chapter, those issued by the Vatican in connection with the same itinerary are reproduced and described.
For the countries that received him, the research has involved the periods immediately before and after the visit up to approximately one year after the event: in fact, various realities, rather than announcing the experience, prefer to comment on it afterwards. In some cases, therefore, both focuses are highlighted.
The Vatican, on the other hand, has always upheld its own tradition: it waits a certain length of time - usually one or two years - and then it issues a commemorative series, generally dedicating a stamp to each itinerary. For example, the five projects completed in 1999 (Mexico and the United States together, Romania, Poland, Slovenia, India and Georgia) are celebrated with the same number of copies, which came out on the 1st September 2000. Sometimes more general subjects are added, as happened on the 3rd December 1981: alongside the places visited the previous year we have the papal coat of arms (50 lire) or His Holiness giving a blessing (900 lire).
To define the historical moment and provide further details in order to take both the journey and the circumstances in which it took place into consideration, a brief account of the visit is also given through the writings of journalists at the time or, subsequently, of the experts.

The creation of this collection aims to go further. Various visits were distinguished by one or more prominent themes, commemorated by special stamps issued around the time of the Pontiff's visit.
These include historical anniversaries, events, religious ceremonies that are worth noting: they are not strictly linked with the Pope's visit - although the Pope himself is involved - but they can help us fully understand its context.
His first stay in Argentina, from the 10th to the 13th June 1982, had one main motivation: to attempt mediation between Buenos Aires and London, divided by the bloody Falkland-Malvinas conflict. Of course, the South-American country highlights the presence of the Bishop of Rome on the 12th June, but the issues also help us understand the climate at the time, such as those from the 22nd April where the islands are shown as being Argentinean.
Another example: from the 6th to the 16th October 1989 the Pilgrim visited, in order, South Korea, Indonesia and Mauritius. Seoul did not issue any special stamps, but on the 4th October an 80 Won commemorates the 44th International Eucharistic Congress, organised in the Asian capital and attended by the Pontiff.

This book considers all of the official stamps and souvenir sheets issued by a certain reality.
In order to facilitate research for collectors, with their kind permission, the corresponding numbering in the (in alphabetical order) Michel, Scott, Unificato and Yvert & Tellier catalogues has been included for each stamp presented.
Note that there are no valuations of the items described and/or reproduced in the book. You can refer to the aforementioned catalogues for this.
Fabio Bonacina, a journalist, mainly works in public communication, but he also writes about stamps and the post. The newspapers and magazines that have published his articles include "Cronaca filatelica", "L'arte del francobollo", "Vaccari magazine", "Esperienza", "Giornale di Brescia", and "Italia oggi". He is President of the Italian Philatelic Press Union since 2014, and editor of the daily web magazine of philately and postal information "Vaccari news" ( since 2003.
He has been awarded the prize by Usfi (Italian Philatelic Press Union) in 2010, he has obtained the award for journalism by the Town of Riccione in 2006, and the oscar for philately by Circolo filatelico numismatico reggiano in 2002.
For this publisher he has written the books "Propaganda con i denti - Il francobollo come mezzo di comunicazione nelle relazioni internazionali, il secondo dopoguerra"; "La salma nascosta - Mussolini a Cerro Maggiore dopo piazzale Loreto (1946-1957)", published in two editions; "Giovanni Paolo II - Viaggi di speranza - I francobolli del mondo testimoniano le visite di Papa Wojtyla", translated into English and German (English edition "John Paul II - Visits of hope - World stamps witness the travels of Pope Wojtyla"); "Campioni del mondo - I francobolli dei Paesi organizzatori e vincitori dei Mondiali di calcio 1930-2006"; "Buon Natale! Il libro-album per la raccolta dei francobolli italiani sul Natale 1970-2010"; "Habemus Papam. Tutti i Papi da Francesco a Pio XII. Il libro-album dei francobolli italiani"; "Campioni del mondo 2 - I francobolli dei Paesi organizzatori e vincitori dei Mondiali di calcio 2010-2014".
Mainz, 2-4 novembre 2012

Palazzo dei Congressi Roma EUR
12-14 ottobre 2007

Pretoria, South Africa
23-25 ottobre 2008

2-5 ottobre 2008

Bucharest, Romania
20-28 giugno 2008

SILVER - HUNFILA 2007 - International Stamp Exhibition
26-30 settembre 2007

Portland, Oregon, USA
9-12 agosto 2007

General World Stamp Exhibition
St. Petersburg, 19-25 giugno 2007

1-3 giugno 2007
CAORLE (VE), Italy

17-19 novembre 2006
(Chicago, USA)

Luoyang City, Henan Province, P.R. China
10-16 aprile 2009

30 giugno 2007
(Palmerston North, New Zealand)

Essen, Germany
6-10 maggio 2009

18-21 settembre 2008

Exposición Mundial de Filatelia
Málaga 7-13 ottobre 2006

24th International Stamp Fair
27-29 ottobre 2006

- Philatelic Bibliopole, Leonard Hartmann (USA)
- Vera Trinder, London (UK)

- Abafil (Milano)
- Ercole Gloria (Milano)
- Marini (Genova)
- Ungaro (Trentino - Veneto - Friuli)
- Riva Reno (Bologna)
- Sintoni (Forlì)
- Geoprogram (Roma)
- Interfinum (Roma)
- Philcap (Roma)


- Casalini Libri
- Demea (Roma, Lazio, Abruzzo)
- LS (Italia)

Fabio Bonacina
I francobolli del mondo
testimoniano le visite di Papa Wojtyla

408 pp. - 836 colour illustrations of postage stamps and souvenir sheets - 40 pictures with the key moments of the Pope's life and travels - format cm 13.5x21.5 - high quality glossy paper - hardbound in colour - printed 2006
series "History through documents"

With kind permission, the numberings in Michel, Scott, Unificato, and Yvert & Tellier catalogues are given

3 edizioni - 3 editions - 3 Ausgaben


ISBN: 88-85335-83-7
World stamps witness
the travels of Pope Wojtyla

Many stamps have been dedicated to John Paul II.
This book describes and reproduces in colour the stamps and souvenir sheets connected with the 104 travels completed by the Pope outside Italy - official stamps and souvenir sheets issued by both the countries visited and the Vatican City to commemorate the visit or the themes (historical, political, religious, social…) connected with the visit of the Pontiff.

This study also includes the issues that do not directly concern the stay, but which refer to events or celebrations that the Pontiff recalled or participated in during his stay.

There is a chapter for each journey with the description of the visit and the themes dealt with, a brief account of the social and political situation, reproduction of the stamps connected with the journey.

47 opening pages illustrate the key moments in the life of Pope Wojtyla through the many stamps that were dedicated to him (for the Holy Year, the 25th year of Papacy, stamps for his birthdays and for his death, the vacant Papal See, Italian stamps and Vatican stamps, exhibitions and much more).

Forewords by
* PIER PAOLO FRANCINI - Head of the Philatelic and Numismatic Office and Curator of the Philatelic and Numismatic Museum Governorship - The Vatican
* DIETMAR FIEDLER - President of the "St. Gabriel" World Union
* DANILO BOGONI - President of the Italian Association for Religious Philately "St. Gabriel"


* PIER PAOLO FRANCINI, News before art
* DANILO BOGONI, "Don't be afraid!" cry the stamps too
* Publisher's choices
* User's guide

* The Pilgrim Pope
* Drawings and photographs
* One icon for a variety of occasions
* With the philatelist in mind
* The Pope has come to visit us
* Miniature manifesto
* Focus on local circumstances
* Without forgetting the enthusiasts
* Two thousand years of Christianity
* 25th anniversary celebrations
* Birthday stamps
* The immediate elaboration of the mourning
* The mourning continues
* The tradition of the "Vacant See"
* The Italian case
* Italy as seen by the Vatican
* Notes

* The first trip: overseas - 1 The Dominican Republic I, Mexico I and the Bahamas
* The first glance towards East - 2 Poland I
* "Pilgrimage for Peace" - 3 Ireland, the United Nations I and the United States of America I
* The meeting with Dimitrios I… repeated - 4 Turkey
* In Africa, "where hunger is lethal" - 5 Zaire I, the Congo Republic, Kenya I, Ghana, Haute-Volta (Burkina Faso I) and the Ivory Coast I
* Shadows and lights on the Church - 6 France I
* Catholics, immigration, and poverty - 7 Brazil I
* The double homage to Saint Albertus Magnus - 8 Germany I
* Many different worlds - 9 Pakistan, the Philippines I, the United States of America II and Japan
* Love, respect, esteem. And more - 10 Nigeria I, Benin I, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea
* In Fatima, a year after the attempt on his life - 11 Portugal I
* The Falklands-Malvinas war breaks out - 12 The United Kingdom
* Buenos Aires makes stamps warfare too - 13 Brazil II and Argentina I
* A homage to work - 14 Switzerland I
* All were there listening to him - 15 San Marino
* From the past Inquisition, from the future Europe - 16 Spain I
* From Nicaragua a …military set - 17 Portugal II, Costa Rica, Nicaragua I, Panama, El Salvador I, Guatemala I, Honduras, Belize and Haiti
* Jaruzelski and the appeal for peace - 18 Poland II
* From Lourdes an embrace to those suffering persecution - 19 France II
* The Ottomans and Europe - 20 Austria I
* The vitality of the Church wishing to renew itself - 21 The United States of America III, South Korea I, Papua New Guinea I, the Salomon Islands and Thailand
* The quest for unity at international level - 22 Switzerland II
* In the steps of Jacques Cartier - 23 Canada I
* The adventure of Christopher Columbus - 24 Spain II, the Dominican Republic II and Puerto Rico
* Solidarity and dialogue - 25 Venezuela I, Ecuador, Peru I, Trinidad and Tobago
* There's "a great need for unity" - 26 The Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium I
* Flourishing churches, solidarity and dignity - 27 Togo, the Ivory Coast II, Cameroon I, the Central African Republic, Zaire II, Kenya II and Morocco
* An important stop for collectors - 28 Switzerland III and Liechtenstein
* Why this trip? - 29 India I
* Guerrilla warfare and drugs - 30 Colombia and Saint Lucia
* At least for one day, let arms be laid down - 31 France III
* Seek the truth, even among differences - 32 Bangladesh, Singapore, the Fiji islands, New Zealand, Australia I and the Seychelles
* Behind the scenes of the diplomatic controversy - 33 Uruguay I, Chile and Argentina II
* Do not forget the past - 34 Germany II
* The shadow of the president - 35 Poland III
* "May God bless America" - 36 The United States of America IV and Canada II
* The initial outcome - 37 Uruguay II, Bolivia, Peru II and Paraguay
* Speech in Mauthausen - 38 Austria II
* The condemnation of Apartheid, despite the unexpected event - 39 Zimbabwe, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland and Mozambique
* From Strasbourg to Europe - 40 France IV
* Focus on marital loyalty - 41 Madagascar, Réunion Island, Zambia and Malawi
* In the land of Luther - 42 Norway, Iceland, Finland, Denmark and Sweden
* With youths at the millennium end - 43 Spain III
* USSR, North Korea, China, Timor - 44 South Korea II, Indonesia and Mauritius
* A challenge for solidarity from Sahel - 45 Cape Verde, Bissau Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso II and Chad
* Freedom rediscovered - 46 Czechoslovakia I
* The ice has melted - 47 Mexico II and the Dutch Antilles
* Peace talks - 48 Malta I
* The ills of Africa, progress defeated - 49 Malta II, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda and the Ivory Coast III
* Back to Fatima, with a different perspective - 50 Portugal III
* Concern for the future - 51 Poland IV
* The Pope and youth - 52 Poland IV and Hungary I
* Democracy, the favelas and children - 53 Brazil III
* Thirteen million slaves - 54 Senegal, Gambia and Guinea
* Half a millennium of Evangelisation - 55 Angola, São Tomé and Príncipe
* Following the tracks of Christopher Columbus - 56 The Dominican Republic III
* The most difficult leg of the journey - 57 Benin II, Uganda and Sudan
* The Country of the eagles and of escape - 58 Albania
* As in 1982, more than in 1982 - 59 Spain IV
* The youth of the US - 60 Jamaica, Mexico III and the United States of America V
* A kind of home-coming - 61 Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia
* In Zagabria, thinking of Sarajevo - 62 Croatia I
* The youth and devout from the East - 63 The Philippines II, Papua New Guinea II, Australia II and Sri Lanka
* "I beg for the forgiveness of Non Catholics" - 64 The Czech Republic II and Poland V
* Stop wars! - 65 Belgium II
* Condemnation of nationalism - 66 Slovakia II
* South African apartheid is behind us - 67 Cameroon II, South Africa and Kenya III
* The UN fifty years on - 68 The United Nations II and the United States of America VI
* Peace, war and the road to democracy - 69 Guatemala II, Nicaragua II, El Salvador II and Venezuela II
* The door to Islam - 70 Tunisia
* In the independent Country - 71 Slovenia I
* To Germany, reunited - 72 Germany III
* Celebrations for the millenarian monastery - 73 Hungary II
* A purely Pastoral visit - 74 France V
* Finally in Sarajevo - 75 Bosnia and Herzegovina I
* The relevance of Saint Adalbert today - 76 The Czech Republic III
* No to external interference - 77 Lebanon
* Ten busy days - 78 Poland VI
* The young, and the Huguenots too - 79 France VI
* The family and the suffering as protagonists - 80 Brazil IV
* Together with 2,700 foreign journalists - 81 Cuba
* The Trappist Monk and human rights - 82 Nigeria II
* Giving a Christian face back to Europe - 83 Austria III
* The controversy concerning the Beatification of Stepinac - 84 Croatia II
* Resisting the culture of death - 85 Mexico IV and the United States of America VII
* In Bucharest with the Orthodox - 86 Rumania
* From Danzig to Czestochowa. Then 2000 - 87 Poland VII
* Return to independent Slovenia - 88 Slovenia II
* The difficulties of the Asiatic journey - 89 India II and Georgia
* In the footsteps of Abraham - 90 Egypt
* In the Holy Land at last! - 91 Jordan, the Independent Palestinian Areas and Israel
* Fatima and the "Third Secret" - 92 Portugal IV
* Saint Paul's route - 93 Greece, Syria and Malta III
* A much awaited visit - 94 Ukraine
* After 11th September a choice between good and evil - 95 Kazakhstan and Armenia
* Between present and past - 96 Azerbaijan and Bulgaria
* Symbols and risks - 97 Canada III, Guatemala III and Mexico V
* Different assessments - 98 Poland VIII
* "Let peace be with you, Spain!" - 99 Spain V
* The various sides - 100 Croatia III
* Ivan Merz and the war - 101 Bosnia and Herzegovina II
* A tired Pope - 102 Slovakia III
* "I too was twenty once" - 103 Switzerland IV
* Sick among the sick - 104 France VII

* Travelling with... covers

* Bibliography
* The author
* Alphabetical list of the Countries

N.B.: the roman numerals indicate, according to the official list, the number of times the Pontiff returned to the Country specified
This work considers the 104 journeys that the Vicar of Christ undertook outside Italy throughout his Papacy, following the criteria put in place by the Holy See.
A chapter is dedicated to each journey in chronological order, presenting details of the postal issues distributed for the occasion, and ideally retracing the itinerary followed by the Pontiff. Both the issues produced by the countries that hosted the Pope over time and, at the end of each chapter, those issued by the Vatican in connection with the same itinerary are reproduced and described.
For the countries that received him, the research has involved the periods immediately before and after the visit up to approximately one year after the event: in fact, various realities, rather than announcing the experience, prefer to comment on it afterwards. In some cases, therefore, both focuses are highlighted.
The Vatican, on the other hand, has always upheld its own tradition: it waits a certain length of time - usually one or two years - and then it issues a commemorative series, generally dedicating a stamp to each itinerary. For example, the five projects completed in 1999 (Mexico and the United States together, Romania, Poland, Slovenia, India and Georgia) are celebrated with the same number of copies, which came out on the 1st September 2000. Sometimes more general subjects are added, as happened on the 3rd December 1981: alongside the places visited the previous year we have the papal coat of arms (50 lire) or His Holiness giving a blessing (900 lire).
To define the historical moment and provide further details in order to take both the journey and the circumstances in which it took place into consideration, a brief account of the visit is also given through the writings of journalists at the time or, subsequently, of the experts.

The creation of this collection aims to go further. Various visits were distinguished by one or more prominent themes, commemorated by special stamps issued around the time of the Pontiff's visit.
These include historical anniversaries, events, religious ceremonies that are worth noting: they are not strictly linked with the Pope's visit - although the Pope himself is involved - but they can help us fully understand its context.
His first stay in Argentina, from the 10th to the 13th June 1982, had one main motivation: to attempt mediation between Buenos Aires and London, divided by the bloody Falkland-Malvinas conflict. Of course, the South-American country highlights the presence of the Bishop of Rome on the 12th June, but the issues also help us understand the climate at the time, such as those from the 22nd April where the islands are shown as being Argentinean.
Another example: from the 6th to the 16th October 1989 the Pilgrim visited, in order, South Korea, Indonesia and Mauritius. Seoul did not issue any special stamps, but on the 4th October an 80 Won commemorates the 44th International Eucharistic Congress, organised in the Asian capital and attended by the Pontiff.

This book considers all of the official stamps and souvenir sheets issued by a certain reality.
In order to facilitate research for collectors, with their kind permission, the corresponding numbering in the (in alphabetical order) Michel, Scott, Unificato and Yvert & Tellier catalogues has been included for each stamp presented.
Note that there are no valuations of the items described and/or reproduced in the book. You can refer to the aforementioned catalogues for this.
Fabio Bonacina, a journalist, mainly works in public communication, but he also writes about stamps and the post. The newspapers and magazines that have published his articles include "Cronaca filatelica", "L'arte del francobollo", "Vaccari magazine", "Esperienza", "Giornale di Brescia", and "Italia oggi". He is President of the Italian Philatelic Press Union since 2014, and editor of the daily web magazine of philately and postal information "Vaccari news" ( since 2003.
He has been awarded the prize by Usfi (Italian Philatelic Press Union) in 2010, he has obtained the award for journalism by the Town of Riccione in 2006, and the oscar for philately by Circolo filatelico numismatico reggiano in 2002.
For this publisher he has written the books "Propaganda con i denti - Il francobollo come mezzo di comunicazione nelle relazioni internazionali, il secondo dopoguerra"; "La salma nascosta - Mussolini a Cerro Maggiore dopo piazzale Loreto (1946-1957)", published in two editions; "Giovanni Paolo II - Viaggi di speranza - I francobolli del mondo testimoniano le visite di Papa Wojtyla", translated into English and German (English edition "John Paul II - Visits of hope - World stamps witness the travels of Pope Wojtyla"); "Campioni del mondo - I francobolli dei Paesi organizzatori e vincitori dei Mondiali di calcio 1930-2006"; "Buon Natale! Il libro-album per la raccolta dei francobolli italiani sul Natale 1970-2010"; "Habemus Papam. Tutti i Papi da Francesco a Pio XII. Il libro-album dei francobolli italiani"; "Campioni del mondo 2 - I francobolli dei Paesi organizzatori e vincitori dei Mondiali di calcio 2010-2014".
Mainz, 2-4 novembre 2012

Palazzo dei Congressi Roma EUR
12-14 ottobre 2007

Pretoria, South Africa
23-25 ottobre 2008

2-5 ottobre 2008

Bucharest, Romania
20-28 giugno 2008

SILVER - HUNFILA 2007 - International Stamp Exhibition
26-30 settembre 2007

Portland, Oregon, USA
9-12 agosto 2007

General World Stamp Exhibition
St. Petersburg, 19-25 giugno 2007

1-3 giugno 2007
CAORLE (VE), Italy

17-19 novembre 2006
(Chicago, USA)

Luoyang City, Henan Province, P.R. China
10-16 aprile 2009

30 giugno 2007
(Palmerston North, New Zealand)

Essen, Germany
6-10 maggio 2009

18-21 settembre 2008

Exposición Mundial de Filatelia
Málaga 7-13 ottobre 2006

24th International Stamp Fair
27-29 ottobre 2006

- Philatelic Bibliopole, Leonard Hartmann (USA)
- Vera Trinder, London (UK)

- "Gabriel" Associations

- Abafil (Milano)
- Ercole Gloria (Milano)
- Marini (Genova)
- Ungaro (Trentino - Veneto - Friuli)
- Riva Reno (Bologna)
- Sintoni (Forlì)
- Geoprogram (Roma)
- Interfinum (Roma)
- Philcap (Roma)


- Casalini Libri
- Demea (Roma, Lazio, Abruzzo)
- LS (Italia)
Cod. 1936E
EUR 10,00


edited by Don Giuseppe Colombara and Giampaolo Mattei
Piazza San Pietro, Braccio di Carlo Magno
25 Aprile - 27 Maggio 2007

96 pp. - 364 colour and b/w photos - softbound - printed 2007
Italian, English and Spanish text


Piazza San Pietro, Braccio di Carlo Magno
25 April - 27 May 2007

Catalogue of the photographic exhibition (25 April - 27 May 2007 - Vatican City) devoted to the life of popes, to the Vatican and the Eternal City, organised by the photo service of "L'Osservatore Romano".
For the first time on show a selection of the most beautiful and original images taken from an archive which contains millions of clicks from 1930.
The Director of the Photo Service, Don Giuseppe Colombara, explains that "the aim of the exhibition is to put on view a sample of this iconographic wealth, with no pretension to being excessively methodical or exhaustive. The exhibition is divided into five areas by subject (the portraits of the Pontiffs, the History, the gallery of John Paul II, the gallery of Benedict XVI, various and curious) to be viewed at leisure to find a moving image, a typical scene, a particular frame, a face, an expression… Captions offer schematic information, but you do not need to read them really as images speak by themselves."
Cod. 2290E
EUR 55,00
Special Price
EUR 44,00

Renato Dicati

440 pp. - more than 1500 colour ill. - softbound - 2nd ed. 2011
Italian text


The full history of astronomy, from its origins to the discoveries effected thanks to the space telescopes, through postage stamps and postal documents that many countries have devoted to the sky, illustrated with over 1,500 colour images.

Peculiar work, unique in its kind, very interesting and educational, for lovers and stamp collectors but also for students and teachers and for all those who are interested in astronomy and in the exploration of the cosmos.


The origins of astronomy - Ancient astronomy - Astronomy by the Greeks - Astronomy in the Medieval Age - The revival of astronomy - Copernican revolution - Galileo and the telescope - Mechanisms in the Universe - The development of instruments - Observations and discoveries in the Solar System - The advent of astrophysics - The discovery of the Universe - New astronomy - The exploration of the Solar System - Bibliography - Analytical index
Cod. 2301E
EUR 41,00

Michelangelo Fazio - Valter Giuliani

242 pp. - colour ill. - 772 stamps - softbound - reprinted 2010 - 1st ed. 2008
Italian text



History of Physics through postage stamps, about 800, issued by different countries in the world about people, discoveries, inventions of Physics, with their historical background, in chronological or logical order.
To explain the theme represented in the stamp, a caption gives the information needed to understand the evolution of science, methods, discoveries and inventions of Physics.
Peculiar work, very interesting and educational, for lovers and stamp collectors but also for students and teachers and for all those who are interested in physics.


Mechanics - Gravitation - Fluids - Energy - Thermodynamics - Electromagnetism - Waves - Relativity - Modern physics - Astrophysics - Metrology - Appendix: Glossary - Phisics foundamental steps - Alphabetical list of stamps - Alphabetical list of Nobel prizes on stamps - Alphabetical list of 103 countries featured on stamps
Cod. 2364E
EUR 9,00

With postage stamp featuring Yuri Gagarin, issued on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the first human flight in space and commemorative cancellation.

Amore Rufini

16 pp. - colour and b/w illustrations - saddle stitch binding - printed 2011
Italian text

AS.IT.AF. no.2

The history of Astronautics, besides being remembered through philatelic issues, is celebrated through coins by several countries.
The present work illustrates over fifty coin issues effected by countries which took part in different space missions, including those which had their own astronauts or spacecrafts.
Cod. 2383E
EUR 25,00

Alvaro Trucchi
Francobolli - Annulli - Interi Postali
voll.IX+X - Aggiornamento
Postage Stamps - Special Cancellations - Postal Stationery

2 vols. - 248+48 pp. - colour ill. - softbound+saddle stitch binding
Italian and English text


Postage stamps - Postmarks - Postal Stationery
vol.IX+X - Updates

Italian Union for Olympic Games and Sport Collectors
Postage stamps, postmarks and postal stationery relevant to the winners of medals at the Olympic Games "Beijing 2008", that is 51 gold medals (63 athletes), 21 silver and 28 bronze, for a total of 100 medals and 155 athletes awarded.
The material is divided by sport in alphabetical order.
Cod. 2432E
EUR 28,00

Giuseppe Barion
Fatti, curiosità, aneddoti, da Olimpia a Londra 2012

456 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - 2nd ed. 2013
Italian text

2 editions


Facts, curiosities, anecdotes, from Olympia to London 2012

Introduction by Giovanni Malagò, Chairman of CONI

Through postage stamps, some essays, colour and printing proofs, postcards, even rare philatelic cancellations, and other postal documents, the Olympic Games phenomenon, analysed following political, social and time elements, religious and social aspects, discoveries and inventions, Coubertin and the XX century events.

A new kind of collection, giving importance not only to main protagonists, organizers and athletes, but also to events and people that have characterized and influenced about 3000 years of history. A well documented and detailed history, illustrated by thousands of philatelic and postal images.

The book is divided into four parts.

Part One - "The Games in Ancient Greece" - This section provides information concerning the most significant games in Ancient Greece, highlighting myth, legend and religious and social aspects.

Part Two - "The Revival" - After a gap that followed the end of the ancient Greek games, the modern Olympics were born. Here, above all in the eighteenth century, we come across the most important technological advances, outstanding historical events and prominent sporting achievement, all of which had a considerable influence on Pierre de Coubertin, the man who subsequently became a crucial figure in the Olympic revival. World events, ranging from the use of oil in industry, the discovery of electricity and invention of the telephone, were decisive in their contribution to the revival of the sport's world - to means of transport (which made getting from one place to another quicker and easier) and the great archaeological discoveries…; from Marxism to the Industrial Revolution, followed by the birth of Rugby, Oxford and Munch Wenloch with Père Didon and Evangelis Zappas.

Part Three - "Pierre Fredy de Decoubertin" - The revival of the Olympic games as seen through the work of this charismatic character.

Part Four - "The Games of Modern Era" - A look at the modern Olympics. This chapter examines the period of the Olympics ranging from Athens 1896 to London 2012. Not only the usual chronological list of dates and figures, but detailed information linking Olympia to world events and society in general. It focuses on people and the most relevant facts which influenced events in that period. The First World War, Nazism and its downfall, the Popular Olympics in Barcelona, concentration camps, the birth of Israel with all its inherent problems, China and Taiwan, Vietnam and Korea: the Maccabiah Games, the Spartakiads, the Asian Games, the Paralympics, apartheid, doping, Islamic terrorism… in other words, modern history, as seen through the eyes of the Olympic Games.
It also includes amusing facts and anecdotes relating to athletes who have, over the years, added lustre to the Olympic movement.
Olympia and Ancient Greece, Baron de Coubertin, Marxism, Nazism, two world wars, the atomic bomb; China and Taiwan, North and South Korea, Vietnam; terrorism, apartheid and Afghanistan, the great boycotts... with personalities and peculiarities from the Olympic world illustrated here, using images of stamps, postcards and rare philatelic items, a precious testament to the history of the Olympic games. An original literary proposal: the Olympic games a theme from which to discuss world history. A selection of all those crucial events, both positive and negative, which signified an advance or distortion, a transition or development and together connect moments between Olympic events and world history. Easy to read, in this book we find, not only the usual chronological list of dates and figures, but detailed information linking Olympia to world events, using in depth analysis and research, including all philatelic issues released by the host countries, up to London 2012.
Alvise De Vidi
Included London, six times Italian Paralympic Athlete and winner of 14 Olympic medals.

For me, the magic in stamps is not the object itself, but the story which is illustrated by the stamp. Postage stamps are story tellers, tiny works of art whose subject matter and design provide a window into the social and political world of the time they were issued. Significantly, they are official, unbiased, story tellers as their documented movement through the postal system provides hard evidence of dates and places. Giuseppe Barion's book, "The OLYMPICS tell the History through philatelic images" is a wonderful example of how stamps and philatelic items can be used to tell a story; and what a story, the Olympic Games! The book provides a fresh and entertaining approach for philatelists and those interested in Olympic history, alike. For his fellow philatelists, Barion provides a very clear and practical example of how to use philatelic material in a very accessible manner to reach beyond the philatelic community and inform and entertain the public with an important story. For the wider public, he offers a new perspective on Olympic history, a new way to view the subject. Barion shows that stamps are part of living history. I congratulate Giuseppe Barion on his initiative in writing this book, and I hope that it will encourage other philatelists to unlock the treasure trove of stories contained in their collections and produce similar publications.
David Maiden
Member of the IOC Philately, Numismatics and Memorabilia Commission - Philatelic Advisor to the International Olympic Committee.
The English edition has obtained the following international awards:
gold medal in Cordoba (Argentina)
silver medal in Melbourne
silver medal in Bangkok
gold medal in Bogotà
Cod. 2475E
EUR 20,00

Francesco Giuliani
Prose creative sui francobolli
del Regno d'Italia

280 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - printed 2013
Italian text

Creative prose on the postage stamps of the Kingdom of Italy

Preface by Francesco De Martino.

77 art prose inspired by 8 series particularly important of the Kingdom of Italy, appeared 1923 to 1942: the Fiftieth of Manzoni's death (1923); the Bi-millennium of Virgilio's death (1930); the "Pro Dante Alighieri" series (1932); the March on Rome Tenth Anniversary (1932); the Exhibition on summer colonies (1937); the Bi-millennium of Augusto's birth (1937); the Bi-millennium of Tito Livio's birth (1941); the third Centenary of Galileo Galilei's death (1942).
The postage stamps, reproduced in colour and enlarged so to highlight details, give the author narrative pretexts to tell the destiny of men. In the preface, the historical and literary context for the characters featured in the vignettes and for the author's texts.
The book is ideally connected to the one issued in 2012 "Forge, grape harvest and timber", dedicated to the postage stamps of the series "Italy at work".
Cod. 2488E
EUR 45,00
Special Price
EUR 36,00

Renato Dicati

XI+376 pp. - more than 1300 colour ill. - hardbound - printed 2013
English text

World postage stamps and other postal documents presented through a historical and philatelic survey of astronomy, its development, some related topics on space exploration, instrumentation, theories, and observations.

It contains more than 1300 colour reproductions of postage stamps relating to the history of astronomy, ranging from the earliest observations of the sky to modern research conducted with satellites and space probes. Many stamps illustrate the beauty and the mystery of celestial objects: galaxies, nebulae, stars, planets, satellites, comets, and minor celestial bodies.

Featured are also the astronomers and astrophysicists who contributed to this marvellous story - not only Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, Herschel, and Einstein but also hundreds of other minor protagonists who played an important role in the development of this, the most ancient yet the most modern of all the sciences.
Cod. 2432EN
EUR 28,00

Giuseppe Barion
Facts, quirks and anecdotes from Olympia to London 2012

456 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - 2nd ed. 2013
English text

2 editions


Introduction by Giovanni Malagò, Chairman of CONI

Through postage stamps, some essays, colour and printing proofs, postcards, even rare philatelic cancellations, and other postal documents, the Olympic Games phenomenon, analysed following political, social and time elements, religious and social aspects, discoveries and inventions, Coubertin and the XX century events.

A new kind of collection, giving importance not only to main protagonists, organizers and athletes, but also to events and people that have characterized and influenced about 3000 years of history. A well documented and detailed history, illustrated by thousands of philatelic and postal images.

The book is divided into four parts.

Part One - "The Games in Ancient Greece" - This section provides information concerning the most significant games in Ancient Greece, highlighting myth, legend and religious and social aspects.

Part Two - "The Revival" - After a gap that followed the end of the ancient Greek games, the modern Olympics were born. Here, above all in the eighteenth century, we come across the most important technological advances, outstanding historical events and prominent sporting achievement, all of which had a considerable influence on Pierre de Coubertin, the man who subsequently became a crucial figure in the Olympic revival. World events, ranging from the use of oil in industry, the discovery of electricity and invention of the telephone, were decisive in their contribution to the revival of the sport's world - to means of transport (which made getting from one place to another quicker and easier) and the great archaeological discoveries…; from Marxism to the Industrial Revolution, followed by the birth of Rugby, Oxford and Munch Wenloch with Père Didon and Evangelis Zappas.

Part Three - "Pierre Fredy de Decoubertin" - The revival of the Olympic games as seen through the work of this charismatic character.

Part Four - "The Games of Modern Era" - A look at the modern Olympics. This chapter examines the period of the Olympics ranging from Athens 1896 to London 2012. Not only the usual chronological list of dates and figures, but detailed information linking Olympia to world events and society in general. It focuses on people and the most relevant facts which influenced events in that period. The First World War, Nazism and its downfall, the Popular Olympics in Barcelona, concentration camps, the birth of Israel with all its inherent problems, China and Taiwan, Vietnam and Korea: the Maccabiah Games, the Spartakiads, the Asian Games, the Paralympics, apartheid, doping, Islamic terrorism… in other words, modern history, as seen through the eyes of the Olympic Games.
It also includes amusing facts and anecdotes relating to athletes who have, over the years, added lustre to the Olympic movement.
Olympia and Ancient Greece, Baron de Coubertin, Marxism, Nazism, two world wars, the atomic bomb; China and Taiwan, North and South Korea, Vietnam; terrorism, apartheid and Afghanistan, the great boycotts... with personalities and peculiarities from the Olympic world illustrated here, using images of stamps, postcards and rare philatelic items, a precious testament to the history of the Olympic games. An original literary proposal: the Olympic games a theme from which to discuss world history. A selection of all those crucial events, both positive and negative, which signified an advance or distortion, a transition or development and together connect moments between Olympic events and world history. Easy to read, in this book we find, not only the usual chronological list of dates and figures, but detailed information linking Olympia to world events, using in depth analysis and research, including all philatelic issues released by the host countries, up to London 2012.
Alvise De Vidi
Included London, six times Italian Paralympic Athlete and winner of 14 Olympic medals.

For me, the magic in stamps is not the object itself, but the story which is illustrated by the stamp. Postage stamps are story tellers, tiny works of art whose subject matter and design provide a window into the social and political world of the time they were issued. Significantly, they are official, unbiased, story tellers as their documented movement through the postal system provides hard evidence of dates and places. Giuseppe Barion's book, "The OLYMPICS tell the History through philatelic images" is a wonderful example of how stamps and philatelic items can be used to tell a story; and what a story, the Olympic Games! The book provides a fresh and entertaining approach for philatelists and those interested in Olympic history, alike. For his fellow philatelists, Barion provides a very clear and practical example of how to use philatelic material in a very accessible manner to reach beyond the philatelic community and inform and entertain the public with an important story. For the wider public, he offers a new perspective on Olympic history, a new way to view the subject. Barion shows that stamps are part of living history. I congratulate Giuseppe Barion on his initiative in writing this book, and I hope that it will encourage other philatelists to unlock the treasure trove of stories contained in their collections and produce similar publications.
David Maiden
Member of the IOC Philately, Numismatics and Memorabilia Commission - Philatelic Advisor to the International Olympic Committee.
gold medal in Cordoba (Argentina)
silver medal in Melbourne
silver medal in Bangkok
gold medal in Bogotà
Cod. 2515E
EUR 18,00

Francesco Giuliani
Gli scrittori italiani nella filatelia

276 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - printed 2014
Italian text

Italian writers in philately

The book dissects in a monographic and comprehensive way the connections between Italian writers and philately: the Author, in his extensive treatment, has followed the way how Italian writers were represented on postage stamps, that thus become a precious means for disseminating information and culture.
He follows in detail the thread of the philatelic issues of traditional Italian nations in the Italian area, namely Italy, San Marino and Vatican City, dividing the treatment into 14 dense chapters.
The first author celebrated in philately was Dante Alighieri, in 1921, followed by Alessandro Manzoni, two years later. Since then, dozen writers have been impressed in a postage stamp. They often are classic authors, but in recent decades the faces and writings of the most important authors of the XXth century have found a place too, Primo Levi to Tomasi di Lampedusa, Montale to Quasimodo.
The book also talks about not Italian writers (Latin and foreign). There are, then, guessable connections to history, since postage stamps also contain a political message, in a more or less evident way, and reflect the changes in habits (think, for example, about the role of women in postage stamps, regarding which the author writes persuasive and informed pages).
159 colour postage stamps of writers are displayed in the appendix to the book, so to have an immediate visual feedback.


Chap. I - The Pantheon of paper
Chap. II - Constants and news of the Fascist period
Chap. III - Dante Eagle
Chap. IV - The homage to Manzoni
Chap. V - The gallery of 1932
Chap. VI - Iconographical sources and philatelic fortune of writers
Chap. VII - The writers enlisted for the cause
Chap. VIII - D'Annunzio from commander to writer
Chap. IX - from 1945 to early Sixties; Latin and foreign
Chap. X - The 12 postage stamps of 1965
Chap. XI - Women, new introductions e rediscoveries
Chap. XII - The rule of the XXth century
Chap. XIII - Secondarily to thematic: details and curiosities
Chap. XIV - Postage stamp: effect, synthesis and complement
Philatelic plates
Index of names
Cod. 2526E
EUR 20,00

Alberto Costa - Cristiana Lodi - Stefano Lucchini - Tommaso Tagliente

96 pp. - colour ill. - hardbound - printed 2014
Italian text



The history of football world championships lived by means of the publishing and print of commemorative postage stamps, witnesses and symbols of exceptional sport events, astonishing expression of a sport that joins the people of whole nations, without any race, religion or class distinction.


* Introduction

* Football, this stranger
* Rimet Cup and World Cup
* Histories of Football World Championships and postage stamps
* The Football World Champions
* Surprising teams
* Famous football players
* The rarest postage stamps
* The most beautiful postage stamp

* Bibliography
Cod. 2538E
EUR 73,00
Special Price
EUR 62,05

3a edizione 2016

652 pp. - colour and b/w ill. - softbound - 3rd ed. 2016
German text

3rd edition 2016

The catalogue is organized alphabetically according to countries. It contains more than 8000 images of postage stamp issues worldwide about football and includes postage stamp issues about international competitions such as World and European Championships or famous football players, teams, coaches, stadiums and much more.
Special postage stamp types, for example official postage stamps, are always found in a special section at the end of a relevant collecting area.
Cod. 2558E
EUR 18,00

Francesco Giuliani
Gli scrittori italiani nella filatelia mondiale

252 pp. - 56 colour ill. - softbound - printed 2015
Italian text


Italian writers in world philately

The title of the book draws on the juxtaposition between Dante and the eagle, present on an Italian stamp of 1921. The Florentine writer has always been considered abroad, properly, one of the most pregnant symbols of Italian character and, as a consequence, the interest towards his person and work has often coincided with the attention towards the Italian culture in general or, at least, towards the literary one.
This is the starting point to examine the way how Italian writers have been considered in foreign philately, for a long time, up to the present days.
Starting from the interpretation of philatelic data, widening the speech with data taken from history, history of art and, in general, from the universe of communication, the text spreads onto the consideration shown abroad towards the main Italian writers. In fact all the stamps studied in this book are the ones that various nations, among which USA, Russia, Germany and Argentina, have devoted to writers of the calibre of Dante, Petrarca, Boccaccio, Machiavelli and Goldoni, up to more recent ones, such as Grazia Deledda, Dino Buzzati and Dario Fo.
In appendix, a section in colour of philatelic plates shows the main postal values proposed in the text.


Chap. I - Confirmations and discoveries beyond the Alps
Chap. II - Italian exceptions and Latin classics
Chap. III - The two times of Dante's fortune
Chap. IV - Dante abroad: a global view
Chap. V - The first Dantesque issues of 1965
Chap. VI - Dante in the New World: USA, Argentina and Mexico
Chap. VII - The five Dantesque postage stamps of the Principality of Monaco
Chap. VIII - Dante in vignettes: from 1966 to 1971
Chap. IX - Dante: new anniversaries and other starting points
Chap. X - The role of Petrarca
Chap. XI - From Boccaccio to Giordano Bruno
Chap. XII - The Goldoni case
Chap. XIII - The Greek Foscolo
Chap. XIV - The eclipse of Collodi
Chap. XV - The importance of a Nobel: Carducci and Deledda
Chap. XVI - The importance of a Nobel: from Pirandello to Dario Fo
Chap. XVII - The latest philatelic surprises
Philatelic plates
Index of names
Cod. 2602E
EUR 10,00

edited by Marco Occhipinti
La sostenibilità ambientale, sociale, culturale ed economica attraverso la filatelia tematica

212 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - printed 2015
Italian text


Environmental, social, cultural and economic eco-friendship through thematic philately

Post and philately have always played an important role in the history of great universal exhibits. As a consequence Milan EXPO 2015 too had to include the presence of philately.
The present volume, born from the collaboration between CIFT (Italian Centre of thematic philately) and PLEF (Planet life economy foundation), completely illustrated with theme postage stamps and postcards, proposes a gathering of collections about how, in the world, postage stamps narrate environmental, social and economic themes that mark the duties of eco-friendship for humankind.
The themes represented are: non eco-friendship, climate, ground, water, air, Sun, cultural heritage and social and economic patrimony, architecture, transport, garbage, eco-friendly food and human health, great conferences.
Cod. 2614E
EUR 69,00


360 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - 1st ed. 2015
German text


The catalogue is organized alphabetically according to countries. Almost 200 are the countries taken into consideration with more than 3500 colour images.
Cod. 2626E
EUR 39,90
Special Price
EUR 27,93

Walter Michael Hopferwieser
Handbuch und Spezialkatalog

516 pp. - more than 1000 colour ill. - hardbound - 1st ed. 2016
with number of the known examples
German text with introduction and glossary in English, Russian, Chinese and Italian


Handbook and Specialized catalogue

The catalogue describes in detail the launches of single rockets, with the support of technical, historical, biographic and philatelic information, and gives documented prices for the analysed items.

The chapter regarding rocket mail pioneers replaces the previous editions of 1967 and 1973 by Ellington Zwisler. Compared to them, the present edition is widened e and many results of the researches are published here for the first time.

The astronauts brought documents together with their private luggage on the occasion of all the flights to the Moon, from Apollo 11 to Apollo 16. Special handstamps of the USA mail have landed on the Moon: respectively 1 with Apollo 11 and 2 with Apollo 15. All the onboard letters of the Soviet and Russian cosmonauts are catalogued for the first time, from Sojuz 4 of January 1969 to Sojuz TMA-18M of March 2016. Many space letters have flown onboard Space Shuttles or unmanned Dragon spaceships. Chinese too have transported documents in the Space, making manned and unmanned flights. In November 1960, 28 covers onboard the spy satellite Discoverer 17 have made 30 rides around the Earth. In October 2014, documents onboard the Chinese probe Chang'e 5-T1 have made a ride around the Earth. The signatures of all the 556 astronauts from Juri Gagarin to Timothy Peake complete the work.

From the introduction by the Author:

Between the two world wars, young researchers in different countries launched rockets carrying letters and cards. Some of them undertook preliminary tests towards space travels.
They wanted to supply distant villages with mail, accelerate mail-delivery over long distances and start space travels.
For the first time on 3 October 1942, an A-4 / V-2 rocket reached a height of 84.5 km, which was considered space back then.
Later on, rocket mail flights not leaving the gravity of the Earth could not significantly contribute to rocketry and space exploration. Therefore, Pioneer-Rocket Mail ends with the end of WWII.
Space mail are letters and covers that were flown into space at an altitude of 100 km (328,084 feet): Space is defined to begin at an altitude of 100 km according to the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale - FAI.
Onboard covers document an event on board the space station, sometimes an event on the Earth or an anniversary. Most of them are signed by all crewmembers.
During Soviet times numerous souvenir covers with onboard postmarks were made before launch and after the landing. Many bear the signatures of the cosmonauts involved.
Not all the covers transported contain a letter inside.
At the end of 1988 a postal date stamp arrived on board the Russian Mir space station. Since then cosmonauts mark letters transported from the Earth with the date of docking of the spacecraft which transported them to the space station. Letters sent to the Earth are postmarked with the date of undocking from the space station. A board letter carries addresses and details.
Unless otherwise noted, letter means "cover with content". This includes that either the receiver is already on board the space station, or the cosmonaut writing the letter remains in space, when the letter is delivered to the Earth.


Pioneer-Rocket mail
Australian Rocket Society
Adam de Bruijn
Antonio V. Funes
Franz Josef Kareis
Willy Ley
Miniature Airways
Niuafo'ou Island
Faded propaganda leaflets
Albert Puellenberg
Karl Robetti
Albert C. Roessler
Keith E. Rumbel
Friedrich Schmiedl
Stephen H. Smith
William G. Swan
William S. Sykora
Reinhold Tiling
Gerhard Zucker
Not classified documents

Space Mail manned projects
Sojuz flights without space station
Space Shuttle
International Space Station
Shenzhou flights without space station

Space Mail unmanned projects
Ballistic military rockets in the USA
Chinese return satellites
Chinese lunar probes
R-29 Ballistic rockets
Civilian Space Exploration Team

Signatures of the astronauts
Cod. 2631E
EUR 45,00


144 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - 1st ed. 2016
German text


Specialized catalogue of postage stamps from all over the world with around 2000 coloured images of the World Wide Fund for Nature. The themes represented are the Environment, the animal kingdom (including endangered species) and the plant one.
Cod. 2637E
EUR 20,00
Special Price
EUR 16,00

Djana Isufaj
Pellegrinaggi di fede attraverso i francobolli

150 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - printed 2016
Italian text

Pilgrimages of faith by means of postage stamps

Result of a deep historical and archival research, the book reports in detail, by means of postage stamps, all the 26 Ordinary Holy Years, besides the numerous Extraordinary ones, that are here examined both from the historical - religious and from the adventurist point of view.

Every Jubilee described in the volume is always accompanied by a rich iconography of deliberately philatelic type, inspired by postage stamps issued by Vatican City, Italy, San Marino and the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. All data related to series, date of issue and identification of the State that has produced them are listed in the chapter "Iconographic References". The postage stamps issued to celebrate Jubilees are always represented inside a frame with halo.

The introduction of every single character, the tale of facts and events, the iconographic choice referring exclusively to the images of each postage stamp, everything is deliberately formulated according to a journalistic approach and comes out particularly pleasant.
Cod. 2649E
EUR 75,00
Special Price
EUR 60,00


708 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - 1st ed. 2017
German text


The catalogue is organized alphabetically according to countries. It presents the postage stamps issued from 1866 in over 300 countries. Almost 3,000 are the issues taken into consideration with over 8,500 colour images.
Cod. 2669E
EUR 19,50
Special Price
EUR 16,58

The author will donate his profits to charity to the Association Angela Serra in Modena for the fight against cancer.

Valentino Zanni

202 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - printed 2017
Italian text


The origins, the history, the legend of Valentine's day and the messages sent on that occasion, the whole seen by means of postcards, greeting cards and postage stamps.

Easy to read and completely colour illustrated with thousands of images, postcards, postage stamps and greeting cards, the book introduces the theme of love and Valentine's day from various perspectives. From Saint Valentine to Cupid, from flowers to animals as symbols of love to sweet children, from valentines with dreaming figures to the telegrams of the heart, from Liebig or Panini trading cards to cartoons, from comics strips, with the alternation of lovers of the Victorian period to fiancés of the XX Century.

The collector-author offers to readers a precious collection realised with extreme care and passion in the course of years and he addresses both to philatelic collectors and to those who intend to approach the book pushed by curiosity of by interest in the subject concerned.


* Introduction
* Valentine's day, history and legend
* Valentines
* Cupid God of Love
* Valentines with children
* Valentines with animals
* Valentines of the Victorian period
* Again valentines
* Say it with a kiss
* Say it with a flower
* Lovers by Peynet
* Telegrams of the heart
* Love and Valentine's day in cartoons and in comics strips
Cod. 2675E
EUR 44,99

Umberto Cavallaro

XXXII+406 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - printed 2017
English text

ISBN: 978-3-319-34047-0
This book tells the fascinating stories of the valiant women who broke down barriers to join the space program. Beginning with the orbital flight of USSR cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova in 1963, they became players in the greatest adventure of our time. The author contextualizes their accomplishments in light of the political and cultural climate, from the Cold War in the background to the changing status of women in society at large during the Seventies.
There is one signed cover and/or one postage stamp for almost all the 60 women here introduced.

The book includes the biographies of, and in some cases interviews with, the sixty women who flew in space in the first half century of space history. It reports their achievements and some little known details. The result is a gallery of pioneering women who reached for the stars: women who, with exceptional skill, hard work, and dedication, reached impressive careers as accomplished pilots, researchers, and engineers; many are now in high level managerial positions both at NASA or in public and private organizations, and all left a legacy of strength.


(60 chapters)
* Valentina Tereshkova: The Icon of Soviet Female Emancipation
* Svetlana Savitskaya: Twice in Space-The Second Soviet First
* Sally Ride: America's Pioneering Woman in Space
* Judith Resnik: The Second "Shuttlenaut"
* Christa McAuliffe: "NASA Teacher in Space"
* Kathryn D. Sullivan: The First American Spacewalker
* Anna Lee Fisher: The First Mother in Space
* Margaret Rhea Seddon: The First Wedding Among NASA Astronauts
* Shannon Lucid: The First American Woman to Participate in a Long-Duration Mission
* Bonnie J. Dunbar: The First Female Astrocosmonaut in History
* Mary L. Cleave: Flying at Age 14
* Ellen Baker: An Internist Physician on the Shuttle
* Kathryn Thornton: The "Space Walker Mom"
* Marsha Ivins: Aspiring Astronaut at 19
* Linda M. Godwin: Physics and Astronomy
* Helen Sharman: The First Briton in Space
* Tamara Jernigan: An Astrophysicist Out Among the Stars
* Millie Hughes-Fulford: The First Female Payload Specialist
* Roberta Bondar: The Pioneer of Space-Medicine Research
* Nancy Jan Davis: Growing Up with the Saturn Rockets
* Mae Jemison: Our Limits Are the Stars
* Susan J. Helms: Three-Star General
* Ellen Ochoa: "Reach for the Stars and Let Nothing Limit Your Potential!"
* Janice Voss: Visits the International Space Station as a Cygnus Craft
* Nancy Currie-Gregg: A Passion for Flying and Concern for Safety
* Chiaki Mukai: The First Japanese Astronaut
* Elena Kondakova: The First Woman to Take Part in a Long-Duration Space Mission
* Eileen Collins: The First Woman "Shuttlenaut" in the Driver's Seat
* Wendy Lawrence: The First Woman Astronaut of the US Navy
* Mary E. Weber: From Skydiving to Stellar Strategies
* Cady Coleman: The Colonel Playing the Flute in Space
* Claudie Haigneré: The First European Space Agency Female Astronaut
* Susan Still Kilrain: The Second Woman to Ever Pilot the Shuttle
* Kalpana Chawla: The Regret of Not Officially Visiting Her Native Country
* Kathryn Hire: The First American Woman Assigned to a Combat Aircrew
* Janet Kavandi: The Rewards of Perseverance and Tenacity
* Julie Payette: "To Assemble a Ship in the Ocean During a Storm"
* Pamela Melroy, the Second and Last Woman to Command a Shuttle
* Peggy Whitson: The First Woman Commander of the International Space Station
* Sandra Magnus: Soaring to New Heights
* Laurel B. Clark: From Deep Oceans to the Stars
* Stephanie Wilson: "Madam Robotics Expert"
* Lisa Nowak: The First Woman Astronaut Ever Dismissed from NASA
* Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper: From Diver to Astronaut
* Anousheh Ansari: The First Iranian Spacewoman
* Sunita Williams: A Marathon Runner in Space
* Joan Higginbotham: An Unplanned Adventure
* Tracy Dyson: The Lead Vocalist for the All-Astronaut Band Max Q
* Barbara Morgan: "I'll Fly with the Eyes, Ears, the Heart and Mind of a Teacher"
* Yi So-Yeon: Korean "Spaceflight Participant"
* Karen Nyberg: The Marathoner Engineer Who Competes with the Space Station
* Megan McArthur: An Aerospace Engineer Riding a Pedal-Powered Submarine
* Nicole Stott: A Steady Flying Passion
* Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger: From Space Camp to Space Station
* Naoko Yamazaki: Astronaut for 4088 Days
* Shannon Walker: The First Native Houstonian Astronaut to Fly into Space with Russians
* Liu Yang: The First Female Taikonaut
* Wang Yaping: A Live Lesson from the "Heavenly Palace"
* Elena Serova: The First Russian Woman Cosmonaut on the International Space Station
* Samantha Cristoforetti: A New Record for Endurance in Space for a Woman
Cod. 2688E
EUR 35,00
Special Price
EUR 26,25

Francesco Maria Amato - Djana Isufaj
Storia e filatelia

270 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - printed 2017
Italian text

History and Philately

Poste Italiane wanted to introduce the Italian wine product in the world, creating a succession of issues of postage stamps that, entered between 2012 and 2016, have become an undisputable advertising vehicle of wines with a Designation of Origin and Guaranteed, produced on the whole Italian national territory.

The aim of the Authors of the present work is the contribution to the distribution of such excellence through the detailed analysis of each single postage stamp, including, from time to time, both the oenological and the historical and geographical details of each single production. Postage stamps with individual wine pictures are grouped according to the region they belong in.

To completion of each dissertation, a philatelic and wine data sheet is introduced, where the technical elements are reported, in synthetic form, relevant both to wines (vineyard, colour, taste, perfume) and to postage stamps (date of issue, artist, paper, colour and cataloguing).
Cod. 2703E
EUR 75,00
Special Price
EUR 63,75


232 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - 1st ed. 2017
German text


Postage stamps issued from all over the world that feature the topic "lighthouses", divided by country in alphabetical order, with about 3000 colour illustrations.
Cod. 2736E
EUR 75,00


328 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - 1st ed. 2018
German text


The catalogue is organized alphabetically according to countries. More than 220 are the countries taken into consideration with 2500 colour images of postage stamps from 1887.

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