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Cod. 2783E
EUR 20,00

Marco De Biasi
dal 1867 al 1917

68 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - printed 2020
series "Quaderno AISP" n.1
Italian text

from 1867 to 1917

The purpose of this contribution is to provide an updated and as complete as possible overview of all the collecting offices in the province of Belluno, starting from when, after a long Austrian period, in 1866 it became Italian, until the beginning of November 1917, because during the retreat following Caporetto defeat, all post offices and collecting offices in the province were closed.

In this study the author, using a lot of material also from other collectors and many archival data, did not limit himself to classifying the specific italics, octagonal, squared postmarks, but he went further by also taking into consideration those with large circle, squared circle and guller type.

He did not deal only with postmarks: he went deeper by explaining the functioning of these collecting offices and their evolution.

The table presented is very interesting and, above all, also applicable to many other Italian provinces and situations.
No points or rarity valuations have been assigned.
Cod. 2784E
EUR 90,00

Fritz Heimbüchler
BRASILIEN 1843-1870
Die Ochsen-, Ziegen- und Katzenaugen
Königliche Post ab 1727 - Vorphilatelie ab 1798

152 pp. - about 400 colour ill. - hardbound - printed 2019
In German
Limited edition of 100 copies

BRAZIL 1843-1870
The eyes of ox, goat and cat
Royal Mail since 1727 - Pre-philately since 1798

Probably the most important collection of ancient Brazil that a German philatelist has ever put together, a unique set of material, with an introduction to the collection on the historical development and postal history of the country, from its beginnings, but mostly focusing on the 18th and 19th centuries.

The author shows numerous documents from the prefilatelic period and the stamps starting from the legendary bull's eyes, the first stamps, letters with single and multiple frankings, cancellations with the rarest stamps (always on single stamps or letters, on judicial documents with large frankings, ...). And then the prints, the different plates, the plating ...


* Vorwort zum Sammelgebiet Brasilien
* Der Vertrag von Tordesillas 1494
* Postgeschichtliche Entwicklung
* Über die Briefe und Marken
* Königliche Post ab 1727
* Vorphilatelie
* 1. Ausgabe
* Verwendung der Ochsen- und Ziegenaugen auf Gerichtsdokumenten
* 2. Ausgabe
* 3. Ausgabe
* Quellenverzeichnis
* Brasilienkarte
* Die Druckplatten der Ochsenaugen von 1843


* Foreword to the collection of Brazil
* The Treaty of Tordesillas 1494
* Postal history development
* About letters and postage stamps
* Royal Mail from 1727
* Pre-philately
* 1st issue
* Use of ox and goat eyes on court documents
* 2nd issue
* 3rd issue
* List of sources
* Brazil map
* The ox-eye printing plates of 1843
Giuseppe Buffagni
Studio e plattaggio dei francobolli, studio delle falsificazioni ed antologia dei più noti falsari

168 pp. - colour ill. - hardbound - printed 2021 - numbered edition of 100 copies signed by the author
Italian text

Study and plating of postage stamps, study of forgeries and anthology of the most famous forgers

This volume, complete with plates and numerous colour images, deals with the study of the plating of the Duchy of Modena Provisional Government postage stamps and the history of the main forgeries of the Duchy and Provisional Government postage stamps, including forged cancellations used.

The plating and detailed study, besides to reconstruct how the composition plates for the various printing must have been originally, above all serve to identify in a plate which individual stamps are certainly original. Those that do not find a place in the plate can be considered as uncertain and therefore worthy of further examination, before being definitively considered forgeries.
The work is accompanied by a brief history of the main forgers who have operated from 1865 onwards.

In conclusion, a short treatise on Postal History of Carpi Office, with the illustration of many letters, including a new find dated 29 January 1513, addressed to Alberto III Pio, last lord of Carpi.


* Study and plating of postage stamps
* Study on the forgeries of the Duchy of Modena and Provisional Government postage stamps
* Anthology of the best known forgers
* Brief postal history of Carpi from 1786 to 1863
Cod. 2791E
EUR 100,00

Mario Mentaschi - Vittorio Morani

444 pp. - colour ill. - hardbound - printed 2021
Italian and English text

The idea of a book presenting the Postal History of Tuscany came to the authors after the presentation of Vittorio Morani's collection at the "Royal Philatelic Society London".
It was believed that the exhibition illustrated all the chapters of Tuscan postal history in the period 1 April 1851, the date of the Tuscan postage stamps issue, until 31 December 1862.
With effect from 1 January 1863, an Italian postal law unified the postal regulations of all the Italian provinces, putting an end to Tuscan postal history.

It is the first text that comprehensively deals with the postal use of these postage stamps and explains their use to frank Tuscan correspondence inland and abroad. It also explains the rates applied for correspondence arriving in Tuscany, thus offering a complete overview of the historical-postal situation of the period.

The book is organized in three parts:
- rates for the interior of Tuscany;
- rates of correspondence exchanged with the states of the Italian peninsula;
- rates for correspondence exchanged with foreign states beyond the Italian peninsula.

In each chapter, the evolution of postal rates and postal routes in the period 1851-1862 is presented chronologically. In this period mail was often sent without being franked; these documents, important for a complete description of the historical-postal development, are also included.
The parts illustrating the postal relations with foreign Countries present all the recorded origins and destinations.

To complete the volume, 4 analytical indexes: currencies, contract packets, conventions, postal markings.
Cod. 2792E
EUR 70,00

Luigi Sirotti
e momenti della II guerra mondiale (1940-1945)

198 pp. colour ill. - softbound - printed 2020
and attached quotation 2021
Copies not all numbered as per the author's information.
Italian text

IONIAN ISLANDS and moments of the Second World War

The political and military history of the Ionian Islands, a province of the Kingdom of Greece but for a short period annexed to the Kingdom of Italy of Vittorio Emanuele III, during the Second World War, from 1940 to 1945, told through postal history.

The historical and military-historical introduction, with explanatory maps of military and political events, is followed by the presentation of postal services thanks to postal documents, postage stamps, overprints, postmarks, censorship stamps, military post offices ...

Enclosed, "Valuations of postal items and postage stamps"
Cod. 2795E
EUR 75,00

Antonello and Maria Isabella Cerruti
Soprastampe dell'area italiana
parte prima

144 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - printed 2021
Italian text

Overprints of the Italian area
Part one

First part of this new study on the forgeries and the overprints of the Italian area.

Hundreds of images and enlargements of the postage stamps of: Kingdom of Italy, Trentino - Alto Adige, Venezia Giulia, Austrian occupation, Arbe and Veglia, Pechino and Tientsin; local issues Base Atlantica, Alessandria, Castiglione d'Intelvi, Teramo; postage stamps of the C.L.N. of Aosta, Arona, Barge, Cuvio, Domodossola, Imperia, Maccagno, Mantova, Ponte Chiasso, Savona, Sesto Calende, Bormida Valley; S.A.B.E. values; French occupation of Fezzan; Ljubljana; Free Territory of Trieste Zone B; Zara.
Cod. 2799E
EUR 100,00

Antonello and Maria Isabella Cerruti
Soprastampe dell'area italiana
parte seconda

168 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - printed 2021
Italian text

Overprints of the Italian area
Part two

Second part of this new study on the forgeries and the overprints of the Italian area.

Hundreds of images and enlargements of the postage stamps of: G.N.R. (ordinary mail, air mail, war propaganda, express, postage due stamps, postal stationery) and R.S.I. (ordinary mail, war propaganda, parcel post, postal stationery).
Cod. 2801E
EUR 30,00

Marco Occhipinti
Una trattazione (si spera!) definitiva

64 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - printed 2021
series "Quaderno AISP" n.1
Italian text

A definitive (hopefully!) discussion

The project of the «Aisp Notebooks» continues in order to offer the deserved visibility on a specialized topic of great interest from a collecting and socio-cultural point of view, which is the study of dotted papers for the use of the blind.

This Notebook aims to demonstrate how in the past the topic has sometimes been described with inaccuracies or unclear statements: by resorting to primary sources, that is decrees, circulars, press releases, bulletins, the author has been able to clarify the obscure points.
A fundamental tool for collectors and postal history scholars, especially of the modern-contemporary period, who usually deal with correspondence for the blind in their collections, even at an exhibition level.
Cod. 2805E
EUR 60,00

Bruno Crevato-Selvaggi - Piero Macrelli
Storia, Posta, Filatelia

217 pp. - colour ill. - hardbound - printed 2022
Italian text

History, Post, Philately - vol.1

The work, which for the authors closes a truly broad human and research path, intends to systematize knowledge, propose it in a modern way and create a work that intends to be definitive, at least for many years: the framework that is proposed is well defined. in all its main lines and its interpretative aspects.

Historical text followed by the catalogue of the offices, with their postage stamps and examples of use and the catalogue with the summary and evaluations of the registered stamps.
The main novelty of this volume is the breadth of the context: it is not considered a subject limited in time, but a wide Mediterranean region, which has had various political (and therefore postal) regimes, from the beginning until almost contemporaneity. A broad overview of synthesis that has its roots in classical antiquity and reaches up to the last, difficult years of today's Libya.
Cod. 2813E
EUR 35,00

Luca Eugenio Baratta
Da Amantea a Buenos Aires e ritorno

128 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - printed 2022
Italian text

From Amantea to Buenos Aires and back

By Associazione Filatelia Italiana Specializzata

This short monograph aims at establishing the state of the art in the search for all the forgeries by Francesco Percivalle, unused as well as on documents franked with them, here reproduced and described.

The difficulty in finding material and news is mainly due to the incredible ability shown by the forger in misleading anyone who wanted to know more details, as can be read directly in his letters, where there is no lack of imaginative descriptions and reconstructions.
Cod. 2814E
EUR 50,00

Ezio Bienaimè

134 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - printed 2002 - reprinted 2022
Italian text


Although this stamp has been the subject of numerous studies, it is still possible to identify new and interesting aspects both in its postal history and in its technical details.

The work contains numerous topics never dealt with before, but also where already known varieties are presented, in addition to their placement on the sheet the author provides hypotheses on the causes and evolutionary processes. He also identifies the frequencies of use for the various perforations related to the plates, the time difference that separates the appearance of the "vanishing triangle" from the "vanishing angle"; he interprets the rhythmic distribution of spaces by means of graving traces designed to mark the paper size.

Important are the numerous sequences of new varieties detected for both plates with the demonstration of the appearance of the "floating" posthumously with respect to the "vanishing triangle", and the proposal of a grouping on three fundamental categories of perforators, from which the concept of "family" derives.
Cod. 2815E
EUR 100,00

Giulio Paravagna
VOL.1 + VOL.2 + VOL.3 + VOL.4 + VOL.5

176 + 152 + 190 + 152 + 90 pp. - b/w ill. - softbound - printed 2009 - reprinted 2022
Italian text


By Associazione Filatelia Italiana Specializzata

This work, divided into five volumes, lists those small printing defects, generated by modest manufacturing inaccuracies in the preparation of the cylinder or the plate or even by poor cleaning of the tool, which are constantly repeated in the same position in all the sheets or at least in a large part of the them.
The typology of these peculiarities, such as dots, spots, colour marks, white dots or light spots, is very variable, and is depicted and described here in detail.

vol.1 - winged wheel watermark
vol. 2 - 1955-1960
vol. 3 - 1961-1966
vol. 4 - 1967-2006
vol. 5 - air mail, express, pneumatic mail, authorized delivery, parcel post, authorised private parcels, postage-due labels
Cod. 2818E
EUR 49,00

Gianni Vitale
L'ordinaria che cavalcò i marosi

368 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - printed 2022
Italian text

The ordinary that rode the waves

After the first work on correspondence and internal services, this new book deals with correspondence and services in the six tariff periods for foreign countries, once again exceeding December 31st, 1952, and in the twelve of air mail without neglecting the particularities, the cunning of those who used it, as already done for the inland.

The correspondence to foreign countries has always appeared fascinating, intriguing, almost bewitching, beautiful to look at due to the frequent presence of numerous postage stamps necessary to achieve the high rates whose variety of colours made them lively and stimulating to the eye.
The mysterious destinations to disappeared, annexes or even new-born states that oblige the collector to research and historical insights are not negligible. While on the one hand they require less classification effort as the range of postal services is more restricted, on the other they definitely engage the scholar of postal history, in particular in air mail postal rates which have numerous variables, resulting in often indecipherable franking.

The first part concerns only the items of correspondence (letters, postcards, printed matter, etc., in addition to some unusual uses), which are carried and delivered to the address indicated by the sender on the object itself or on its wrapping.

These are accompanied by the accessory and special services offered by the Post Administration, used in addition to the ordinary shipping rate in relation to the needs of the sender to ensure traceability, speed of delivery or refund in case of loss.

One chapter is deserved by the immigration of Italians abroad and in particular in France, which was among the winning powers, and still the mingling with the other ordinary issue Italy at work.

Of particular historical-postal interest, and highly sought after in the collecting sector, is the correspondence of the embassy staff forwarded in the diplomatic bag.

This is followed by the air mail service, with its many facets, and the fake 100 lire Democratic postage stamp, attributed by scholars to Percivalle.

It ends with a small space dedicated to the U.N.R.R.A. A simple testimony of the experience of these refugees in the post-war period in the lands of Salento, a region rich in welcome and hospitality.



* Le corrispondenze
- Invii a tariffa lettera e biglietti postali
- Cartoline postali
- Cartoline illustrate
- Stampe e cedole di commissioni librarie
- Pieghi di carte manoscritte
- Biglietti da visita e partecipazioni
- Campioni senza valore
* Il servizio pacchi postali
- Pacchi postali
- Dichiarazioni doganali
* Servizi inconsueti
- Le carte dei ciechi
- Il sacco speciale
- Dischi e incisioni foniche
- Scatolette con valore dichiarato
* I servizi accessori e speciali
- Raccomandazione
- Assicurazione
- Espresso
- Avviso di ricevimento
- Fermo in posta
- Posta aerea:
a - curiosità
b - riattivazione dei servizi postali aerei
c - corrispondenze a prigionieri di guerra
d - rapporti con le ex-colonie
e - usi singoli
f - affrancature con francobolli ordinari e aerei
g - francobolli di egual valore
h - commemorativi
i - affrancature multiple
- Buoni risposta internazionali
* Storie filateliche e postali
- Tariffe agevolate per i paesi europei
- Democratica e Italia al lavoro
- Annullati all'estero o messi in valigia diplomatica
- Il mitico 100 lire: i falsi
- Lettere dai campi UNRRA nel Salento

Cod. 2819E
EUR 80,00

Federico Borromeo

206 pp. - colour and b/w illustrations - hardbound - printed 2022
Italian text


This catalogue of the postmarks of the Trento and South Tyrol regions is aimed at illustrating, in a concise form, the political and postal histories of the said regions whose territories are nowadays included in the autonomous region by the same name with special statute.

Besides the Catalogue itself with a detailed listing of the postmarks found on mail processed by 52 post offices, this volume proposes the masterful study on postal history of the late August Zoppelli, an excursus on the Menz family and its formidable archive from which a lot of letters showing postmarks, many of them rare or very rare, come.
Another appealing chapter is the one delving into the mail from the Napoleonic military campaigns that afflicted the area from 1796 to 1813. Indeed a turbulent period with a very complex postal history.

There is much more, for example a very informative chapter on postal history, rates and postmarks, postal routes, the various phases of history, the detailed listing of handwritten place of provenance information on the address side of the outgoing mail, the free-frank handstamps accompanied by a detailed and informative listing in alphabetical order, registered mail and its auxiliary postmarks used during the various administrations also with a listing in alphabetical order, and also an exhaustive listing of the various postmarks utilizing a rarity scale from very rare to very common.

A very useful bibliography concludes the impressive volume.
Cod. 2827E
EUR 80,00

Eric Scherer
History and Postal History
Histoire et histoire postale

Published on the occasion of Monacophil 2022
272 pp. - colour and b/w ill. - cloth-bound with gold inscriptions and colour cover - printed 2022
English and French text

A new book for the first time sheds light on the history and postal history of the Indian subcontinent in the years of conquest and struggle for dominance among European powers up to the establishment of British rule.
It focuses on the pre-philatelic history of India while comprising a comprehensive view on historical developments of all the European nations and the interacion among them. It closely ties history with postal history.

Starting with the battle of Plassey in 1757 and settling with the end of the Napoleonic Wars and the subsequent peace negotiations until around 1819, India transitioned from a multipower country to one British Rule.
The British very early realized that putting up a reliable postal system was a significant means of consolidating power; they were successful in establishing post offices and postal services even in the settlements of other European nations.
The year 1819 marks the end of this period of struggle and sees Britain as the leading power in India as well as the sole provider of domestic postal services even on the territory of the remaining European powers, which were left with no political or economic importance.

Many significant philatelic objects were gathered from collectors all around the world. Among them there are several items from archives which have never been shown before. A strong focus was given to describe them correctly and in their historical context.


Introduction and acknowledgements
Some thoughts on researching the early Indian postal history
Note on Geographical indications and place names

* The Route to India
* Early postal systems in India and Dawk Runners in India
* Development of European Settlements
- The Portuguese State in India 1505-1961
- The Dutch East India Company and its presence on the Indian Subcontinent 1605-1825
- The British in India 1612-1947
- Tranquebar and the Danish settlements in India 1620-1845
- The French in India 1668-1954
- The Belgians and Austrians in India 1722-1731 and 1775-1785
* European war and peace and their effect on India in the 18th Century
* Establishment of regular postal services by the British 1766-1819

* Epilogue
* Appendix
- Timeline
- Bibliography
- Contributors and sources
- Additional Acknowledgements
Cod. 2830E
EUR 60,00

Valter Astolfi
storie di posta, di soldati italiani in Cina, Siberia e Giappone
durante il Regno d'Italia

432 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - printed 2023


The work is meant to illustrate the postal implications of the Italian military presence in the Far East, from 1861 to 1947 (from the unification of Italy until the return to China of the Tientsin Concession, following the Paris peace treaty).
The aim is to tell the story of the Italian presence that derives from the use of soldiers and/or civilians and which is accompanied by postal aspects of interest for the purposes of postal history.

The book is developed in seven parts:
- the years from 1861 to 1899: the first institutional contracts with China, with the sending of the R.N. "Magenta" (1866), up to the issue of San Mun Bay;
- the years from 1900 to 1905: the "Boxer" war (1900), with the sending of an Expeditionary Corps, the establishment of a Royal Navy Detachment in China and the creation of an Italian territorial Concession in Tientsin;
- the years from 1906 to 1914: the period preceding the outbreak of the First World War, with the Beijing-Paris car raid and the urban development of the Italian Concession of Tientsin;
- the years from 1915 to 1919: the First World War, with the story of the "Unredeemed" (who arrived in Tientsin from prison camps in Russia) and the sending of an expeditionary force to the Far East (1918/19);
- the 1920s: from the establishment in China of a battalion of sailors of the "St. Marco", to the local establishment of river companies up to air raids from Italy to Japan;
- the 1930s: from attempts to penetrate China commercially (with specific missions by the fascist government) up to the sending of a Battalion of the "Grenadiers of Savoy" at the time of the Sino-Japanese war (1937). The birth of Manchukuo;
- the 1940s: from Italy's entry into the Second World War up to the armistice of 1943 and then up to the conclusion of the conflict, with the restitution of the Tientsin Concession to China, on the basis of the Paris peace treaty of 1947.

An extensive bibliography concludes the volume.
Cod. 2831E
EUR 25,00

Mahmoud Ramadan
The true origin of the Egyptian Vice Royal Post

88 pp. - colour and b/w ill. - hardbound with b/n cover - printed 2020
English text

This book is an inspiration to collectors who wish to embark on a postal history collection of Egypt, both for beginners and scholars.
After the publication of Peter A.S. Smith's "Egypt stamps and postal history", the author was able to add much information to the four pages of Smith's chapter on the Mohamed Aly Post (MAP). In due course, useful covers surfaced and many other items and information were acquired, so that a more complete picture could be provided.

Mohamed Aly returned to Egypt in March 1801 as a member of Captain Hussein's troops who helped the British drive the French out of Egypt. He participated in the battles between the English and the Ottomans on one side, and the French on the other, gaining a great reputation. He was then promoted to Major General and in 1805 he became ruler of Egypt as Viceroy.

He has been described as the "Father of modern Egypt": he turned Egypt into a modern state with a strong and effective central government. This central government required constant communication, in the form of directives and reports, travelling back and forth between the capital Cairo and the various Governorates.
A postal service was set up during his reign to transport and deliver this communication. To-date no "primary" official document or solid proof is available that explains the details of the set-up of this postal service or how it operated.

The quantity of mail that has survived was initially rather modest; however, the 2016 "Asyut Find" provided better insight into the MAP and its continued activity even after the Khedival Post was established in 1865, followed, one year later, by the introduction of adhesive postage stamps. Then, the "Internal Regulation of the Vice-Royal Egyptian Posts" was created.

In this book, also the role of Posta Europea's modus operandi is discussed; the delivery of governmental mail and the connection with Posta Europea are treated in detail.
A chapter is dedicated to the negative (intaglio) seals.
Very useful background information relating to various topics is provided before delving into the Asyut Find; the railway services are also outlined at the end of this chapter. Eight pages are entirely devoted to the negative intaglio seals type B, the degree of rarity of each of them is included in the illustrated listing.
The final chapter discusses a variety of very interesting topics: how to identify a MAP letter, weights, rates and fees.



* Chapter I: The development of knowledge
* Chapter II: The carriage of Official Government Mail (A)
* Chapter III: Relationship with the Posta Europea
* Chapter IV: The negative (intaglio) seals (A)
* Chapter V: The Asyut Find
* Chapter VI: Various related topics
* Chapter VII: The negative (intaglio) seals (B)
* Chapter VIII: Deciphering a MAP letter
* Chapter IX: Weights, rates & fees
* Chapter X: The next phase
Cod. 2834E
EUR 30,00

Gli autori filatelici e la pandemia
Con una rassegna delle emissioni a tema Covid-19

262 pp - colour ill. - softbound - printed 2022
Italian text

Philatelic authors and the pandemic
With a review of the issues relevant to Covid-19

Published by USFI

The purpose of this book is to give the word to philatelic authors on the topic of the coronavirus. Spanning between memories, emotions and sensations, the texts are enriched by appropriate philatelic and postal historical references.

Promoted by the Italian Philatelic Press Union, this "Single Number" collects the testimonies of forty authors, with a single common thread, that of the pandemic, however developed in different ways, according to their own interests, knowledge, specializations. There are those who have made a general analysis, those who have described themselves as a collector stuck at home, those who have seen the consequences in prisons or in sport, those who have examined the effects on sectorial exhibitions, those who have highlighted the traces of postmarks…

The Covid-19 pandemic is an event that will remain in history and in history there will also be specific reflections and insights, some very technical and others more "light" and curious, entrusted to the printed paper by journalists and authors who write with continuity of postage stamps and postal history.

The publication is completed with a review of about 1,500 stamps, from 118 countries, issued since 2020 on the theme of the pandemic, starting from the prescriptions to stem the contagion to get to the celebration of the heroes of the first hour, up to the variants and vaccines.
Cod. 2837E
EUR 20,00

Giovambattista Spampinato
Edizione 2023

36 pp. - colour ill. - softbound - printed 2023
Italian text

Edition 2023

Almost fifteen years after the first one, this edition benefits from new discoveries that confirm or, sometimes, correct and complete the information already acquired.

The tables of this brochure describe in detail the various elements that distinguish both the single values and the sheets and booklets of the priority adhesive "labels" which, with the issue of the new ordinary series called "Posta Italiana", have closed their cycle.

These labels have attracted the attention of collectors not only for the unprecedented characteristics (at least for Italy) of printing on self-adhesive paper, the particular "perforation", of the label combined with the postage stamp, etc., but also for the continuous variations that have followed in the phase of new issues and/or reprints, including the change of the thousandth, the elimination of the Bates Italia writing (the company that created the essay), the modification of the diameter of the central disc and the font of the writings, the introduction of the acronym "Spa" "in company", the change of the printing method (from serial-type-flexographic to rotogravure) etc.

The blue label deserves a brief mention which, although it has no postal value, has fulfilled its specific role as a priority service in correspondence.
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